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Chapter Ninety-Six

    After some tenderness, the two quickly rolled onto the bed. They opened the curtains, and the outside light came in. Yun Qiu lay in Alpha's tall and warm arms, only to realize that his complexion was not very good.

    And Xiao Wenshui also frankly admitted this point. He hugged him and lay on the bed, wrapped Yunqiu tightly in the quilt and put him in his arms, brushed his hair with his fingertips, and asked him in a low hoarse voice: "Do you want it? Big brother, can you use your hands today?" Okay?"

    They have done everything and tried all kinds of ways to play, including some things that even Yun Qiu is ashamed to say.

    Using hands is not something new. Sometimes Xiao Wenshui's blood condition is unstable and he cannot do strenuous exercise, so he and Yunqiu will use their hands and mouths to please each other.

    However, after hearing his words, Yun Qiu suppressed the anger in his heart. He got up and looked at Xiao Wenshui's face, and found that he seemed to be a little paler and thinner.

    Yun Qiu lowered her head and pressed her face gently against his chest, and said in a low voice, "I think about it a little bit, but I don't have to. Let's talk about it when you recover, big brother. I just miss you very much, and want to I want to come and see you."

    Xiao Wenshui said softly, "Yeah."

    There was a strong medicinal smell on his body, and Yun Qiu knew that it seemed to be a kind of medicinal bath that he had to take for treatment. But Xiao Wenshui was always reluctant to tell him the details of the treatment, Yunqiu also vaguely knew that it might be very painful.

    He is a child who is about to pass out even watching his puncture. If he knows about the more tragic treatment process, it may be even more uncomfortable. Xiao Wenshui likes to play tricks on this. Ever since he fell ill, he has to tell Yunqiu every time he has a broken hand, and when he comes over anxiously and worriedly, puts a Band-Aid on him, and runs around him to express his worries. He seemed to perceive a kind of vile happiness only when he was alone. But when it really hurt, he refused to tell him again, and just told him lightly: "Just go in and sleep for a few days, and you don't have to take care of Xiao Xiaolang, it's more comfortable than you.     " Guo Yunqiu's little brain? He is also a person who has been sick, and he knows how lonely and gloomy the days in the hospital are, and the air is blue-gray.

    He lay on his chest and asked him: "Big brother, can you go home with me today?"

    Xiao Wenshui hugged him and shook his head: "I'm afraid not, Yunqiu, today I'm going out to let the wind go, and then He will be hospitalized for half a month."

    Yun Qiu bowed his head in silence, gently picking the buttons of his hospital gown with his fingers.

    Xiao Wenshui knew that he was upset, so he coaxed him softly: "I told you before, right? I will be hospitalized frequently in the future, and the two of us may not be able to see each other again. If the time is right, your estrus will also You can finish it by yourself, right? Yunqiu, we have discussed it.” The

    doctor has recently studied Yunqiu’s resistance to various neurosuppressive drugs, and is working with Susan to prepare a combination of Xiao Wen’s water pheromone The injections of the extract and the inhibitor are prepared for Yunqiu to use later.

    In essence, pheromone is also a special inhibitor for Omega in estrus. The problem was finding the specific contacts where the neurotransmitter, the pheromone, binds. In the field of AO pheromones, on the one hand, there is a lack of progress due to the extreme scarcity of samples; on the other hand, in the combination of AO, there are very few difficulties that require pheromone research, and ordinary betas cannot recognize the smell of pheromones, which is very important for experiments. It is not a small resistance, and the field of pheromones has been blank for a long time.

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