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Chapter 66

    Pushing open the door, facing the entrance, Xiao Wenshui was half kneeling on the ground, exchanging food for Xiao Xiaolang. Dog food soaked in dog milk, and a small bowl of broken broth.

    He looked up and saw him, seemingly surprised.

    But Yunqiu turned his gaze away and didn't look at him. He just wanted to go to his room after seeing Xiao Xiaolang being fed. He stood there with some repulsion and fear until Xiao Wenshui stood up—but he didn't make way for him.

    Xiao Wenshui touched his body with his hands, this is his posture looking for cigarettes, but at the moment he does not have cigarettes on his body, so he turned his attention to Yunqiu, and moved his throat up and down, as if wanting to say.

    It's just been two days since we saw each other, but Yun Qiu seems to have lost weight all of a sudden.

    This little guy has always been skinny. When he first came back, he was like a short rib, hugging people.

    When they got married, Xiao Wenshui fed him whenever he had anything to do, and told Yunqiu to cooperate with exercise to gain weight, and the effect came out, at least he gained some flesh, and he felt soft and soft to the touch. There is a little more suppleness.

    It's just that in such a short period of time, Yunqiu has lost weight again. The clothes she wore before are a bit too big. She looks small, a little pathetic and soft, but she also has a firm resistance. He is a little hedgehog who is determined to show his thorns against him, and he will not waver in any way.

    Xiao Xiaolang ran back and forth between the two of them, sniffing at Yunqiu's shoes, then ran back to hug Xiao Wenshui's trouser legs. It is a snow-white little pet, and it does not understand the dull atmosphere at this time. It is the silence between the two of them after the broken glass. Anyone who walks up will not dare to disturb these sharp and scattered weapons. Light, lightly speechless.

    Yunqiu didn't really want to talk to him, but he was stuck there, and he had no choice but to say, "I'm going into the room."

    So Xiao Wenshui made way for him.

    Yun Qiu walked past him and went to the room to pack things. He climbed up the pirate ship, took his little bear, and then turned around in a circle, not knowing what else to take away, he just picked up Xiao Xiaolang's dog bag, went out, and looked at it hesitantly.

    He originally wanted to take Xiao Xiaolang away, but he didn't expect that Xiao Wenshui was also at home. Theoretically, Xiao Wenshui bought this puppy, and he never said he would give it to him, so he couldn't take it away easily.

    But the little bear is different, the little bear was given to him by the doctor, and he didn't ask him for money.

    Yunqiu hadn't seen the doctor for a long time.

    After struggling with his thoughts for a long time, Yunqiu asked in a low voice: "Can I take Xiao Xiaolang away? Although he likes you a little bit more, I think if you are so busy and you don't like him, you can raise him for me."

    "So you came back to move?" Xiao Wenshui looked at the dog bag and bear in his arms, and frowned, "This house is yours, you don't have to move, and I didn't want to drive you out , Yunqiu, don’t speak and do things with emotions, don’t worry. We can sit down and have a good talk.”

    Yunqiu began to feel his eyelids turn sore again, he shook his head and whispered: “…Anyway, you don’t want me anymore, I They should move out."

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