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Chapter Twenty Nine

    The kiss was deep and long, Yunqiu couldn't breathe, and couldn't break free, her whole face flushed red. The fiery color of the little morning glory was caught, strangled, and bullied by the gate of life, and finally felt overwhelmed by this strong encroachment, and wanted to shyly close the petals, but there was not even this last retreat.

    He stretched out his hand to grab Xiao Wenshui's sleeve, feeling that he would fall down anytime, anywhere, but Xiao Wenshui clearly clasped his waist and the back of his head, solid like a city wall, Yunqiu's whole body was weakening, almost unable to stand Hold on, when Xiao Wenshui moved his lips and lowered his eyes to look at him, he hadn't recovered yet, but just stood there in a daze, with the aftertaste of trembling rippling all over his body.

    This feeling is more different than sex, hotter than the sweetness produced by the fusion of pheromones to the end, but with a little bit of bitterness, maybe because he kissed too quickly, Yunqiu's entire chest protruded with a feeling of It was painful, but this kind of pain made him happy. All the grievances reached their peak at this moment, and were soothed by Xiao Wenshui's rare gentleness.

    The two stood silently, facing each other and staring at each other. They were so close that Yunqiu could see his own shadow in Xiao Wenshui's pupils, swaying in the light and shadow. That kind of profound look made Yunqiu Unconsciously, I want to get closer, as if if I get closer, I can fish out something from that deep pool.

    But as soon as he got closer, Xiao Wenshui moved away, and gently pinched his shoulders to prevent him from approaching.

    Being rejected again and again, Yunqiu was a little annoyed. He remembered Xiao Wenshui's refusal to kiss him some time ago, and he got angry for a while, and shouted: "You scumbag who doesn't recognize people when you lift your pants, bad guy "

    Even though Yunqiu often speaks surprisingly, Xiao Wenshui still didn't expect that the kid would recall the lines from the TV series at this moment. In the past, he only watched cartoons, and some of his lines could still be traced, but now Yunqiu watched everything. After being sent to Xiao Xunqiu's house, there was no internet restriction, and now he could hear all kinds of strange words. All sorts of strange things flooded into Yunqiu's memory, and after searching over and over again, he finally found this sentence for him.

    Xiao Wenshui laughed sullenly, and said in a deep voice, "Where did you learn it?"

    Yun Qiu refused to say, he just tried his best to move forward, trying to break through his confinement. But what he didn't expect was that Xiao Wenshui could easily let go of him, allowing him to kiss his lips, and then he lowered his head slightly in coordination with him, no longer the aggressive action just now, but just relaxed. Pressing his shoulder gently, kissing him tenderly.

    Neither of them closed their eyes, Yun Qiu looked at him ignorantly, and bumped into the deep sea in Xiao Wenshui's eyes, looking around, he felt a little sleepy and dizzy, so he quickly closed his eyes. The long eyelashes swept over, so soft that it made people tremble in the bottom of their hearts.

    Yunqiu got his wish, tasted the sweetness of his lips and tongue, the tip of his tongue pressed against the tip of his tongue, that secret happiness came back to his heart. He doesn't know how to be reserved and shy, he just longs for the breath of his alpha like drinking ice water in a thirsty summer. This kind of clinging is really terrible, Yunqiu's eyes are full of water, once Xiao Wenshui refuses or retreats, he will hum a few times anxiously and angrily, and must hold him back and not let him go.

    He kept kissing, kissing, and refused to leave until his cheeks were sore and numb. In the end, Xiao Wenshui pushed him away, and stretched out his hand to gently press his lips.

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