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Chapter Fifty-Five

    On the day of the wedding, Yunqiu still only wore two wedding dresses. Xiao Wenshui put away the things he didn't like.

    Coincidentally, the first few days of their arrival had been cloudy, and after dusk, the air was filled with moisture. The planner was also worried about whether it would rain, and planned to drive the rain artificially. However, on this day, the sun came out beautifully, not glaring or dazzling, but a very gentle and hazy light, coating everyone with a layer of soft light.

    Xiao Wenshui's accompanying wedding group was his friends; Yun Qiu's accompanying wedding group was brought by the doctor, Xiao Xunqiu and Wen Cunrui. The old gentleman led Yunqiu across the red carpet, and solemnly handed over his hand to Xiao Wenshui. 1

    There was warm applause and applause all around. Yun Qiu felt a little shy, and rarely felt a little nervous. He looked up and saw Xiao Wenshui waiting in the middle of the red carpet, and felt that he looked very good-looking today—for no reason, Xiao Wenshui wore this suit yesterday He also passed through, but only at this time his heart started beating.

    When Xiao Wenshui reached out to hold his hand and brought him to his side, Yun Qiu didn't even dare to look at him, and his face turned red. He noticed that everyone was watching them applauding, with kind smiles on their faces, and he was even more embarrassed, so he wanted to rub into Xiao Wenshui's arms, crooked, as if at home, and wanted to hide behind him I can't get out of my arms. The originally scheduled time for the red carpet was a bit delayed because of this—two people crowded on the red carpet, and Yun Qiu suddenly didn't want to leave.

    The people below booed: "Hold him over! Hold him over!"

    Xiao Wenshui looked at Yun Qiu, smiled, and asked softly, "May I carry you over?"

    Yun Qiu blushed, and his voice was buzzing like a mosquito As small as it seems: "Okay, big brother."

    Xiao Wenshui leaned over slightly and picked him up. It's not the horizontal hug, it's clasping his waist and lifting him up, letting his feet off the ground with ease, letting Yun Qiu wrap his arms around his neck.

    Just a dozen steps away, as soon as he hugged him, there was an even more enthusiastic booing and applause. Susan stood on the stage as the master of ceremonies. Seeing the situation, she immediately asked the props team to blow the ribbons and balloons. This was originally the wedding theme. It is serious and romantic, but Xiao Wenshui decided to add some children's elements, including star paper, ribbons and dry ice spray, artificial rainbow fountain and so on.

    These things were done behind Yunqiu's back. The moment the ribbon sprayed into the sky, he cheered in surprise and patted Xiao Wenshui's shoulder, asking him to look at the ribbons and clouds in the sky with him. Fog, rainbow, his eyes are so bright, when he looks down, his eyes are full of his shadow.

    Yun Qiu was so happy that he didn't know where to put his hands and feet, but just stared at Xiao Wenshui for a moment, his eyes were very enthusiastic. .

    As the master of ceremonies, Susan turned to them, with a smile in her eyes: "Okay, now it's time to swear. I'll ask Lao Xiao first—excuse me," she looked at them seriously, "The person standing next to you today The person who will be with you for the rest of your life, are you willing to love and respect him unreservedly, and stay by his side no matter what the situation is, until death separates you?"

    Xiao Wenshui said, "I am willing."

    Yunqiu held back at the side, as if she really wanted to speak, and when she finished asking Xiao Wenshui, she immediately said, "It's my time! Ask me!"

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