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Chapter nine

    When Xiao Xunqiu came back from the phone call, he saw Yunqiu standing there crying, Xiao Wenshui's face was gloomy, and he cornered him to prevent him from leaving.

    Xiao Xunqiu had just finished coaxing his girlfriend, and he was in a good mood. Seeing this, he wondered, "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

    He saw Yun Qiu crying very sadly, and wanted to hold him in his arms like he did when he was a child , Coax him. But he stopped involuntarily. In his bones, he had the habit of obeying Xiao Wenshui, the elder brother. Although he hadn't seen each other in six or seven years, and they were both grown-ups, Xiao Wenshui didn't speak, so he didn't dare to intervene.

    Xiao Wenshui said calmly: "He's sleepy and throwing a temper tantrum. It's nothing else. I didn't pay attention to tell him the ending just now, and he started crying. I've been too used to him these past few years.

    " Yunqiu took him with him when he was a baby, and he knew all about his little tempers and habits like the back of his hand. From the age of two or three, Yunqiu has been the kind of little annoying person who starts to cry loudly at night, and has always been prone to depression and temper tantrums when he is sleepy. The doctor said that this is also one of the pathological manifestations of autism, and any changes in endocrine levels may affect Yunqiu's mood.

    Xiao Xunqiu believed it to be true: "So that's the case, ah, yes, Xiaoqiu came to look for me in the middle of the night, after tossing and searching for a long time, he must be sleepy now. But brother, don't scare him too much."

    When Yunqiu heard what the two of them said, she became even angrier. She wanted to defend herself, but she was so angry and sad that she couldn't speak. He felt ashamed and didn't want to cry in front of Xiao Wenshui now, so he held back.

    He wanted to say that he wasn't angry at all because of this matter, but because Xiao Wenshui was angry with him and told him that Xiao Xunqiu didn't want him.

    Both Xiao Wenshui and Xiao Xunqiu are the tender flesh on his warm little heart, and it would be sad to miss either one. Xiao Xunqiu is bright and gentle, Xiao Wenshui is serious and reliable. Although Yunqiu couldn't tell them apart when he was a child, he always thought that one of them was a mother and the other was a father. Instructed to give him a break, and it took two or three years to break this idea.

    Now Xiao Wenshui said that Xiao Xunqiu didn't want him anymore.

    Because Xiao Wenshui knew everything, could do everything, and never lied to him, so what he said was very likely to be true.

    Yunqiu cried so much that he couldn't even speak. He was so angry that he turned his head and wanted to run into the room, but Xiao Wenshui pulled him over and picked him up.

    The size of the two people is very different, Xiao Wenshui carried him effortlessly, and easily brought him into the room and threw him on the bed. It's just that during this process, Yun Qiu inevitably scratched a few bloodstains, but he still remained unwavering.

    This time Yunqiu did not resist him as fiercely as last time, perhaps because he already knew that resistance was useless, and Xiao Wenshui would not coax him. He simply stretched out his arm to block his eyes, not looking at Xiao Wenshui, and he didn't want to be watched by him.

    He just lay flat like this, ready to wait for Xiao Wenshui's more severe reprimand, but in the end he didn't.

    He didn't hear any sound, not even the sound of breathing, as if Xiao Wenshui had already left after throwing it away.

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