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Chapter Thirty-Three

    "Then you just think about it." Xiao Wenshui said.

    Yun Qiu was stunned again, and immediately felt that the person on the other end of the phone seemed to be laughing silently—he couldn't hear Xiao Wenshui's reaction, nor could he see him, but Yun Qiu felt for no reason that the person on the other end of the phone was laughing.

    He was a little angry: "Hey, I'm talking to you seriously!"

    Xiao Wenshui paused on the other end of the phone, and then said: "Then call me, but I may not answer, you You can send me a text message."

    Yunqiu said: "Okay."

    Xiao Wenshui said again: "Did the doctor tell you? I will assign you a homework, you write a diary every day and give it to me. You are not at home Then, let me see if you have improved?"

    Yunqiu muttered, "He didn't tell me, but I must have improved. Just watch."

    Xiao Wenshui said "hmm" over there, and then Said: "If there is nothing else, I will hang up first, Yunqiu."

    Yunqiu began to pick up the phone again. Maybe it was because he heard the sound of electric current tingling again, Xiao Wenshui said: "Don't pick up the phone you just bought, Yunqiu, I hung up."

    Yunqiu looked at the screen showing the hangup, "huh" He let out a sound, and went to harass Xiao Xunqiu. But Xiao Xunqiu's side may be really too busy, nothing will happen. After talking with him for a long time alone, Yunqiu finally felt bored, so he went to harass the doctor.

    The doctor is busy because the school's employee list has been slightly adjusted. When Yunqiu came over, the doctor was very disgusted: "Go, go, kid, you are going to school tomorrow, and the beautiful days are coming to an end, why don't you cherish this opportunity to play all night?"

    Yunqiu said: "Then I'm going to sit down. Ferris wheel, can you accompany me to ride the Ferris wheel?" The

    doctor said helplessly: "Xiaoqiu, but I really have something to do here, can I ask my husband to accompany you next week?"

    Yunqiu became seriously angry : "You adults don't care about your words. You clearly said that you will accompany me today. I don't want you anymore. I will go by myself."

    Seeing that the child was about to run out again, the doctor was still afraid that something would happen to him, so he quickly grabbed him: "Hey, wait a minute. I'll say hello to Mr.'s assistant and ask the driver to pick you up."

    Yunqiu resisted, "No, I don't want to see outsiders." The

    doctor said, "Xiaoqiu, you can't do this, not during the day. Can you still meet outsiders? Be brave, we send you to school to make you brave."

    Yunqiu lay down on the sofa in boredom: "Then I won't be brave today, I don't want to go, you guys really hate it."

    He really went to sleep. Play Lianliankan on the ID card first. Since the last time he went out, he has played many times on and off, and now he has replaced the top eight of the top ten in game points, and he is about to squeeze out the remaining two places for Xiao Wenshui. He murmured to himself: "Big brother is better at studying than me, but he is not as good as me when playing games."

    He was obsessed with fighting against Xiao Wenshui's game history records, and fell asleep while playing. In the past, I was called up by the doctor to eat again not long after.

    Yun Qiu didn't sleep well, fell down from sleepiness, took a few mouthfuls of food, washed up sleepily, and went back to sleep.

    Before eight o'clock, the doctor went to his room to observe the child's quilt, and found that Yun Qiu had really fallen asleep just like that. He didn't know whether to laugh or sigh for a while. He tucked the corner of the quilt for him, and followed him to rest.

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