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Chapter 50

    The two were sitting on the sofa, Xiao Wenshui leaned on the sofa, Yun Qiu leaned on his arms, petted the dog for a long time full of pity, and then wanted to feed the little Samoyed dog food.

    But the little milk dog didn't eat after eating a few, just sniffed around his hand.

    Yunqiu asked it: "Xiao Xiaolang, don't you want to eat my snacks?"

    He didn't bring any snacks when he came out today, because he thought it was too troublesome to carry his schoolbag, so he just carried a bear out and put a few candies in his trouser pocket, A small bag of instant potato chips.

    Xiao Wenshui stopped him from feeding the puppy snacks: "It can't eat this yet, it has just been weaned, and the dog biscuits should be soaked with dog milk powder to eat."

    Yunqiu looked around and asked him for dog milk powder: " What about milk powder?”

    Xiao Wenshui said: “Someone will bring it later, but this dog doesn’t drink milk powder, someone will milk the dog and deliver it every day, just let the robot open the door.”

    Yunqiu said again: “Then I’ll put my Can you give it the milk it drinks? It seems very hungry, and the milkman doesn’t know when it will arrive.”

    Xiao Wenshui said, “Yunqiu, puppies can’t drink milk, it’s bad for your health. "

    "Ah?" Yun Qiu raised his head and looked at him in confusion, "Why?"

    "Look at this." Xiao Wenshui searched on his phone casually, and opened the page for Yun Qiu to see, "Milk It is high in lactose and low in protein, and dog milk is low in lactose and high in protein. Most puppies and kittens are lactose intolerant and cannot digest this. Yunqiu, how are you doing in biology in high school recently?"

    Yunqiu hurriedly said: "I know, I can understand, big brother, the puppy is the same as me before, right? Didn't I also not be able to drink milk before?"

    Xiao Wenshui didn't expect that he could still remember what happened when he was thirteen years old. He nodded and said, "Yeah."

    Yunqiu squeezed a little closer: "Then, is there anything a puppy can't eat? I don't want it to get sick like me and stay in a big glass cover."

    He was talking about the ICU. At that time, even Xiao Wenshui had to put on sterile clothes irradiated with ultraviolet rays all over his body when he came to see him.

    At this moment, following his own words, Yun Qiu felt as if he remembered something again.

    It was a conversation, one sunny afternoon after he woke up. The air is very clean, which makes people feel a little impetuous, and the surrounding area is full of the smell of disinfectant.

    ——Are all Omegas so squeamish, or is he just so squeamish?

    —Well, sir, he is still young, so you have to be patient with him.

    ——I raised a cat and dog, and when I was a teenager, it would recognize its relatives.

    —Brother, are we going to get a dog?

    The cold and biting words appeared and disappeared at this moment, like a gloomy dream fragment, Yunqiu couldn't grasp it, but vaguely knew its existence, and truly understood the meaning in it.

    The puppy whimpered in his arms, and Yun Qiu leaned against Xiao Wenshui, his whole body gradually became stiff and his mind wandered.


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