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Chapter 65

    After Yunqiu took a shower and changed his clothes, he went out.

    When he came out, Xiao Wenshui was still in the office, and the two of them were silent and did not speak.

    Xiao Wenshui raised his eyes to look at him, as if he still wanted to say something to him. And Yunqiu didn't give him any sight, grabbed his phone and went out.

    He walked through his maze, walked from the staff elevator, the elevator buttons were shiny, his teary eyes looked blurry, and there were many double images.

    Yun Qiu wanted to count clearly, but in the blink of an eye, tears fell down.

    It was raining outside, Yunqiu was not even willing to borrow an umbrella from Xiao Wenshui's company, and went to the bus stop to wait for the bus.

    Xiao Wenshui's driver and assistant didn't know what happened, they rushed over to take him home, but Yunqiu drove him away, looking like he was going crazy. They were afraid that he would do something to hurt themselves under the agitation, so they could only go back amidst Yun Qiu's shouts full of repulsion.

    This is a gaffe and ugly, after all Yunqiu has learned to be ashamed and not to disturb others because of his emotions after such a long time, but today he has forgotten all of these and returned to his previous appearance .

    Xiao Wenshui looked disgusted and embarrassed.

    Yunqiu gasped desperately, finally stopped crying and hiccupping. After waiting at the stop sign for a long time, he found out that the bus passing this way was closed today. The reason seemed to be maintenance. If he wanted to go back, he had to walk a few hundred meters to find the tram.

    Yunqiu braved the rain to find the tram stop, but there were too many buildings here, and the neighborhood was surrounded by a ring. He searched many times according to the navigation displayed on his mobile phone, but he still couldn't find it. There will also be no electricity.

    The phone contacts were turned over one by one.

    Luo Yan, today is a holiday. Yunqiu knew that he was excitedly preparing the props for the Mid-Autumn Festival party. He invited a few classmates with them to finalize the script for the performance, so his eyes lingered on his name for a while, then skipped it. .

    "Big Brother" ranked first, Yun Qiu wiped his eyes and clicked delete. After thinking about it for a while, I re-established the contact, put it in the blacklist, and then deleted it.

    He is not without temper. Once a biting domestic cat is exiled, it will raise its head and show its sharp claws.

    "Brother" is Xiao Xunqiu, Yunqiu skipped, doctor, skipped, teacher Chen skipped, the robot at home, skipped.

    There is only one Wen Cunrui left.

    Yunqiu called, but didn't expect Wen Cunrui to answer the phone. He knew that he was very busy recently, running all over the league to catch up on announcements and filming movies. The most recent contact between the two was only text messages, but they still talked about everything as before.

    Wen Cunrui answered the phone, and panicked when he heard his cry: "Yun Qiu? What's wrong?"

    Yun Qiu told him what happened today, and he didn't know what he was talking about, and Wen Cunrui probably didn't understand it either. . He only heard the child say a word, which was the only clear and firm word. Although he was hiccupping, it was easy to distinguish every word: "I want to divorce him, I want to divorce him."

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