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Chapter Ninety-Nine

    This volume of information is very long. It is the cases collected by the doctors after calling all the medical databases inside and outside the alliance. Some of them are vague, and there are only a few sentences because of the lack of records, but more cases are accurate to the specific operation steps. . In recent years, research on the application of HLA incompletely matched relative donors, HLA haploidentical relative donors and unrelated donors, and non-myeloablative techniques is also in progress, and efforts have been made to reduce the late complications of bone marrow transplantation as much as possible. To the minimum, the original "five-year survival observation period" is reduced to one year, but the selection of donor cells is still the most critical step.

    Yun Qiu couldn't understand most of these things. What he faced was the most complex polymorphic system knowledge in the human body, but with his learning ability over the past six months, he keenly grasped the key word, which is the labeling of the donor cell source in each case.

    He noticed that the relevant treatment methods are also divided into bone marrow transplantation, peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and umbilical cord blood transplantation. He also saw a case where a man used his son's umbilical cord blood to match his father's donor cells to complete a bone marrow transplant.

    Yunqiu was hit right away, and he raised his head and asked the doctor, "Doctor, what is umbilical cord blood? This means that if you give birth to a baby, could it possibly save your elder brother's life?" The

    doctor had expected that he would notice this. At one point, after taking a sip of tea, he told him: "Theoretically, that's the case, but Yunqiu, to be compatible with an alpha, the first thing to do is to be an alpha baby, and then..."

    "It's an alpha baby, it's an alpha." Yunqiu said loudly, interrupting him impatiently, "I gave birth to the baby, will big brother be saved?" The

    doctor said again: "Yes, but... "

    Yun Qiu interrupted him again: "I know that big brother is not allowed. He thinks that I may die, but I will not die. As long as I do a good job in prenatal examination and pheromone injection, there will be no danger. Yes, don’t tell big brother.”

    He was about to cry again as he spoke, like a candidate who was about to miss the exam time. The doctor was afraid that he would have a stress reaction again, so he hurried over to hug him and pat his head: "I know, I know, it's not that urgent, it's not that urgent, Xiaoqiu. Let's sit down and have a good talk first I'll tell you about the possibility of your pregnancy and childbirth first, okay?"

    Yun Qiu wiped her eyes, sat down in front of him, and listened quietly to the doctor. He also gradually calmed down, and stopped interrupting the doctor's words.

    The doctor told him all the possible dangers during childbirth in detail. Yunqiu had learned about all these in the documentary, and he had even experienced it himself. But he didn't interrupt him.

    The doctor said: "First of all, there are three genders, and the probability of giving birth to an alpha is one-third, Xiaoqiu, for this one-third you may pay the price of poor health, and even your studies may be interrupted because of this, bringing Children may also be a problem, although the Xiao family will definitely have a professional nanny, but... your baby has come to your world, and will join your life from now on, Xiaoqiu, are you ready? During pregnancy, the overall hormones brought by progesterone will also affect you. I am most worried about this, Xiaoqiu. Your body’s hormone regulation level has to be compensated by taking medicine. When you were a child, you woke up every morning with chest tightness. I love to cry, and I feel sad when I'm sleepy, but I can't make any predictions about the hormonal changes brought about by pregnancy, and you may become in a bad mood..."

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