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Chapter Seventy-Four

    Yunqiu's next estrus will be two months later.

    When the puncture needle penetrates, although the pain is still tolerable, the feeling of foreign objects entering the body is still quite uncomfortable.

    Xiao Wenshui was lying on the hospital bed, looking up at the IV bottle hanging above his head, the light flickered slowly through the light yellow liquid medicine. He remembered that Yunqiu was in the infirmary that day, when he thought there was no one there, he raised his head like that to see the amber spirit-like drop, and his whole body sank in the aftertaste of half-dream and half-awake.

    He counted the dates and figured out that it was a Tuesday during the winter vacation. Susan's operations interrupted his thoughts from time to time, sometimes it was an injection needle, and sometimes it was muscle spasms caused by pain nerves in the body under extreme pain. Chemotherapy is administered over a long period of time and is supplemented by a large number of pills.

    Finally he concluded: "I can see him again in two months. The next time will be another two months, and there will be two estrus periods. Eight months will be here. I can be hospitalized and he can try to use Inhibitors and narcotic drugs to pass the estrus period... But it is not good to say, his pheromone concentration was abnormal before, no one can tell what will happen after that, I still find someone to persuade him to remove the glands It's better after the surgery..."

    In order to help him maintain his state, Susan also chatted with him casually, and she asked him: "I saw him this time, how do you feel?"

    Xiao Wenshui was silent for a while , whispered: "How can he live in that kind of place...the water heater is broken, there is no place to repair it, the outside is so noisy, and the air quality is poor. But he doesn't feel it, and he is still painting at such a late hour...he doesn't He doesn't care about himself, but now I go to tell him, he won't listen. He spends money in a daze, he has no money, and it costs so much to order a takeaway. You see, without me, what will happen to him Do not know at all……"

    Susan has heard such words so many times that her ears are calloused. She was still the same as usual, saying nothing, just listening with a smile, knowing that this was about a patient's last comfort to herself. When Xiao Wenshui said "he can't leave me", it seemed like that was the case. The flowers in the greenhouse were helpless and needed shelter to grow, but as long as anyone saw the current Yunqiu, they would immediately I know, this is not some morning glory raised in the greenhouse, this is a tough and silent little overlord flower.     The spirit of seeing who scratches someone is still there, although he has been silent a lot and learned some ways to pretend, but no one is more stubborn than Yunqiu. This child has been to the palace in Yunding and climbed through the mud at the bottom of the valley. The strangest thing is that he can grow up freely in any environment, and no difficulty can choke him to death.     In comparison, Xiao Wenshui's self-paralysis seemed a bit pathetic.     His reaction to chemotherapy has been very severe, and he had already experienced side effects before the injection was finished. His voice is not the same as before, and now it has really added some kind of irreversible hoarseness, because of violent vomiting, stomach acid has burned the esophagus, and his whole body has also lost weight rapidly, and his whole body is pale like a ghost.     Even so, he is still planning energetically, how to continue to take care of Yunqiu calmly——Susan learned from him that Xiao Wenshui bought the house that Yunqiu was renting, and used a mysterious The landlord's status was connected with him, and he did many things for him, but Yunqiu didn't know it. Now he is planning again, when to send something to Yunqiu, he said: "Small things are not expensive, fruits, snacks, paints, paper and brushes are all what he needs."     He was full of emotion . Confidently feel that Yunqiu will accept these things, because that kid doesn't know how to deal with him like this, he can't even say polite words, and he can give it away even if he is a stalker. He can use his soft heart to achieve all this, which is a very bad way, but he is enjoying it now, as if the only hope in life is left.

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