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Chapter 106

    On the day Yunqiu gave birth, Xiao Wenshui accompanied him into the delivery room.

    For Yunqiu, it is not the first time that he has been under general anesthesia. He has been in the ICU several times, but he is not particularly nervous. But Xiao Wenshui was so nervous that he couldn't even speak. He only remembered that Xiao Wenshui held his hand, which was cold and covered with cold sweat. He pinched his fingertips and called out: "Big brother." Then the anesthesia kicked in and he fell unconscious.

    Xiao Wenshui followed into the operating room, and was persuaded by the doctor to let go of Yunqiu's hand at this time.

    He watched Yun Qiu pass out, and when he was sent to the operating table and covered with a green cloth, his face paled to a peak. Only the overhead medical lights and some testing equipment were in the way of his eyes, and he was barely able to stand still.

    That nightmare came back again. The non-existent scene he had dreamed thousands of times was the appearance of Yun Qiu dying on the operating table in his previous life.     Only the doctor's steady voice was trying to bring him back to reality: "The patient's ABO

    pheromone antibody titer is very high, so be prepared for rescue."

Tight, almost unsteady, and then slowly remembered, this is what he has known countless times, ABO hemolysis will cause rejection of the mother and child, the baby needs to be rescued, as long as it is timely, there is generally no danger . But at this moment, his whole body seemed to be about to explode. The blood was beating heavily with the beating of the heart, making life worse than death.     An assistant kindly brought him a chair and asked Xiao Wenshui to sit on it, but he didn't even have the strength to sit down. I don't know how long it has passed, there was a sound of "Wow" in the delivery room, it was very clear, Xiao Wenshui didn't even distinguish what it was at that moment.     The anesthesiologist laughed beside him: "The chief surgeon likes to hear this sound the most. A baby who can cry as soon as it comes out breathes well, is healthy, and does not need to inhale oxygen." The     words were said with a smile, but the doctors and nurses were quick and easy to give. After the baby was washed, he was transferred directly to the ICU ward for monitoring. Before the door was opened, Xiao Wenshui stepped aside, but someone patted him and said, "Take a look."

    Looking over, I saw a crying baby lying in the nurse's arms, like a big apple, hurried past.

    Xiao Wenshui came to his senses at this moment, stood up and asked the doctor, "Where is the patient? How is Yunqiu?" The

    anesthesiologist said slowly, "Don't make a fuss, the bleeding is very little, and the stitches are perfect. You guys have money." Don’t people like to bluff? Don’t bluff. After going out, wake up, the value is very stable, let’s go.”

    The whole operation took only 20 minutes, but the real danger was behind.

    Yunqiu's situation is special. In addition to being very afraid of pain, pheromone rejection is also one of the reasons why the doctors decided to perform general anesthesia for him. Anesthesia resistance is second. During the anesthesia process, cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest may occur, so after the whole operation, the most important thing is the anesthesiologist.

    Yun Qiu didn't remember anything, he just felt that he slept and had many pleasant dreams, but he forgot them all when he woke up, which even caused him to resist when he woke up.

    But when he vaguely answered the anesthetist's words, when he turned his head and saw Xiao Wenshui, the joy in his heart immediately broke through the reluctance to be forcibly woken up. I was holding the tube, so I moved uncomfortably.

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