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Chapter 69

    Yunqiu rushed to the cake shop after being exposed to the rain this time, changed into the shop staff's overalls after washing, and prayed that he would not catch a cold and have a fever all night.

    As a result, I still caught a cold the next day, with fever, lightheadedness, and something burning in my throat.

    He held Xiao Xiaolang in frustration, and told it: "Xiao Xiaolang, I wish I could be as healthy as you. You eat such unpalatable food and still grow so fat."

    He had already told him before The teacher asked for leave for a long time, and I was a little embarrassed to ask for leave again, so I insisted on going to class. It’s just that the teacher saw that he was pale, and knew that he was not feeling well, so he didn’t let him go to the activities on the day of the swearing-in, and asked him to rest in the classroom—that activity was already a mere formality, and the sun was already very strong before the activity started. . The remaining power of Qiuhu still takes care of this area from time to time, the scorching sun and heavy rain alternate, the basketball court is often steamed, and the golden sun dangles in the puddles, creating thousands of silhouettes in this world, which makes people feel unreal.

    Yunqiu slept alone in the classroom for a while, wrapped in a blanket, feeling cold. The loud slogans outside burst into his dream, making him sleep uneasy.

    The classroom was very quiet, surprisingly quiet, which made him faintly feel abandoned by the crowd again in his sleep - he couldn't remember what he was abandoned before, but he would wake up first and then fall asleep again.

    After being so dazed for a while, Yunqiu woke up by himself, took a cup of hot water and drank it slowly, and decided to get up and go to the studio for a while.

    The studio was empty, and the students here naturally all went to participate in the activities. Wrapped in a blanket, Yun Qiu sat on the edge of the drawing board again, and began to draw a sketch in front of a bust.

    But his condition is really a bit poor today. Yun Qiu felt uncomfortable all over his body, as if he couldn't get along with him. After drawing for a while, it stopped abruptly for a while, just like a robot suddenly cut off the power.

    My mind was dizzy, and I vaguely had a high fever again, and I couldn't feel it when I reached out to touch it. The infirmary is far away, and he has had a fever so many times that he has gotten used to it.

    Yunqiu just started to feel a little irritable--before, this kind of emotion basically never appeared on him. Although he was an impetuous child, he was full of patience and curiosity about everything. But he only felt that his consciousness was getting more and more unconscious, and his paintings were getting uglier and uglier. Finally, he got angry with himself, grabbed the carbon pen and waved it vigorously on the drawing board for a while, as if to vent, and then cried softly.

    He didn't know why he was crying, so he classified it as a complication of the illness. He didn't realize that when he had a fever in the past, someone would hug him, feed him ginger soup, coax him slowly, talk to him with his deep, good voice that could hypnotize the whole world, and wish him to be sick soon Get well. He also didn't remember how those cool hands touched his forehead, testing his body temperature.

    Yun Qiu is a big-hearted person, in a sense, he won't make trouble for himself. For sad things, just be sad, he will not search for the root of the sad.

    After crying for a while, he wiped away his tears, changed a piece of drawing paper and started again.

    Footsteps could be heard outside the corridor, and people came back one after another.

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