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Chapter Five

    When Yunqiu was thirteen years old, he was clingy to Xiao Wenshui, to the point of outrageous clinginess.

    At that time Xiao Wenshui hadn't moved out yet. Because Yunqiu underwent several major operations one after another and needed someone to accompany him, Xiao Wenshui moved all his official duties to his home.

    Not too long, just a month and a half.

    It was originally a small duplex villa, but the second floor was rebuilt into a well-equipped medical room. Walking outside is the toy room and small garden that Xiao Xunqiu made for Yunqiu before. But because Yunqiu was afraid of the medical room, he didn't want to go upstairs, even with Xiaohuayuan. He really lived in seclusion on the first floor of this house for a long time.

    When Xiao Wenshui was working, he had to sit beside him. When Xiao Wenshui went to take a shower, the door was closed, and he would run around anxiously, and he would not be relieved until Xiao Wenshui came out after taking a shower.

    Sometimes Yunqiu would talk to him, like a child shyly accosting someone he likes, and took his own snacks to discuss with him: "Brother, look at this, the doctor said I can only eat a little, but actually I can eat a lot."

    Xiao Wenshui would generally respond with an indifferent smile to such endless words.

    Their worlds are very different, Xiao Wenshui's eyes are financial statements and big data, Yun Qiu's eyes are only his cartoons, snacks, and Xiao Wenshui.

    Later Xiao Wenshui moved away, Yunqiu didn't realize what this meant at first, only knew that he would not come for a long time.

    That's when his therapy began to pay off, and he began to think about the meaning behind people's behavior. When he wanted to come over, he cried in front of the doctor.

    He asked the doctor: "Does my brother not like me?"

    The doctor said: "No, how could my husband not like you? You are his Omega, he is your alpha, and you are inseparable. He just Too busy."

    One good thing about AD patients is that they are easy to coax. Unless you suffer a major stimulus, it's basically a heartless thing.

    Someone as obedient as Yunqiu is even easier to coax. Although he had doubts about Xiao Wenshui, under the comfort of Xiao Wenshui's pheromone, he also slowly relaxed his vigilance.

    Every night, Xiao Wenshui would still carry Yunqiu out of the bathtub, without doing anything else, just carry him out, cover him with a quilt, and then fall asleep with his back turned to him.

    Yun Qiu would still secretly run back after thinking he fell asleep, and then run back before dawn. There were also a few times when Yunqiu fell asleep and forgot to wake up. When he woke up, he found that nothing frightened him happened, so he became a little dazed.

    Another time, Xiao Wenshui rolled over in his sleep and pinned down Yunqiu's little bear.

    Yun Qiu woke up earlier than him, wanted to pull the little bear out, but was afraid of waking up the big devil Xiao Wenshui, so he could only stand there in a daze.

    When Xiao Wenshui woke up, he saw Yun Qiu staring at him with wide eyes, wanting to move but not daring to move.

    "What's wrong?" he asked.

    Yunqiu said: "You suppressed my little bear."

    Xiao Wenshui said lightly, "Okay, I'm sorry, can I apologize to the little bear? Did it hurt from me?

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