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Chapter 95

    At this time, Luo Yan was also awakened by Xiao Xiaolang's barking, got up in his clothes, and came out of the guest room to check the situation.

    Xiao kitten died, but Yunqiu was still there in a daze. The Omega boy lowered his head and silently watched the lifeless little animal, his expression didn't seem sad, but he seemed to be thinking about something else.

    Luo Yan glanced at it and said, "The kitten is dead."

    His tone was low, and he fell into a serious silence, a little sad. Now that I think about it, during the period from afternoon to night, the kitten’s abnormal excitement is actually what others often say is the flashback, right?

    He said: "Yunqiu, let's find a place to bury it."

    He found a beautiful cardboard box - all the friends brought it here before, because I know cats like to stay in boxes and so on. The place, specially made one together for him. They also made cat teasers and dog toys together. After all, they can’t take advantage of it for nothing if they come to pet cats and dogs every day.

    Luo Yan put the cat teasers and cat biscuits into the box, surrounded the kitten, and said, "Let's go, Yunqiu, let's bury it in the yard."

    Yunqiu said, "There's no need to bury it, Just put it here."

    Luo Yan wondered: "If you don't bury it, what will happen?" Yun Qiu

    patiently explained: "It will come back, cats have nine lives, that's what the doctor told me. And I have seen stories before that some cats fell from the nine-storey building and recovered after a few days on the ground. They will find a way to come back by themselves. We just have to wait. It's fine, Luo Yan."

    He knew that life and death seem to be a very serious matter in the eyes of ordinary people, and this partly coincided with his concept of "death=pain", but he also noticed something, as if A little bit different.

    At present, he has not found the source of his confusion, but there are many facts that support his theory—his rebirth, Xiao Wenshui's rebirth, and even the disappearing cicada slough he saw outside the window. Classified as the "secret" between him and Xiao Wenshui. He still remembered the words Xiao Wenshui leaned over and whispered in his ear when he first came to this world. He said that he wanted to hook up with him. The rebirth was a secret between them and no one else could know about it.

    Maybe every other reborn person in the world is helping to keep this secret?

    Because Luo Yan is his good partner, Yun Qiu decided to tell him what he thinks. He secretly told Luo Yan as if telling him a big secret: "It will come back, just wait. Luo Yan, I know you don't believe it, but it's true."

    Luo Yan listened What he said, looked at him as if looking at an alien: "Yunqiu, you..."

    Yunqiu said seriously: "You really will, you believe me!"

    He hugged the box containing the kitten's corpse, and Luo Yan could not stop. Luo Yan looked at him in shock and anger, and said repeatedly: "Yunqiu, are you not sober and your brain is not broken? Or are you too sad to accept this fact? Xiao Mao is dead, Can’t come back, Yun Qiu, why are you like this?”

    Yun Qiu insisted, “It’s okay, really, Luo Yan, you trust me once, I’m very sober.”

    He and Luo Yan couldn’t make sense, and the two of them They were about to quarrel, but in the end Luo Yan couldn't stop him, so he packed up his things in disbelief and

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