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Chapter Forty-Four

    Yunqiu packed her schoolbag and walked towards the dormitory.

    In fact, he is not interested in the performance of any star, and this kind of activity is more attractive to him than an episode of cartoons. He went back to the dormitory, corrected the mistakes on the test paper, and wrote them in the wrong question book, then took a nap, and then went out to buy drinks.

    It is very hot today, and there is no temperature control system in the dormitory. After Yunqiu came here, it was always uncomfortable to turn on the air conditioner, and his throat was prone to dryness. But don't open it, it's too hot. He thought that today was his vacation, and he could do whatever he wanted, so he hugged a bear and went out to buy iced drinks, and he also wanted to go to the lake with the suspension bridge to enjoy the wind.

    Yun Qiu bought himself a can of iced jasmine tea, and sat on the bench by the lake, sitting in a well-behaved manner, hugging the little bear tightly, quietly watching the koi that came up from time to time on the lake.

    The sound of music came from a far away place, amplified by the electric current and piercing, hazy and dreamy. There was also the voice of the host reciting the words. There is also a link where the children are playing games, and there is a lot of noise.

    Yunqiu also saw this kind of activity last week. In order to ensure the physical and mental development of the students in the school, there will be two or three performances every week. Sometimes celebrities come to cooperate with public welfare activities, and sometimes it is the students here. Go up and show your talents. However, the talents that AD patients can perform are nothing more than cutting window grilles, or hitting the piano steadily with a not too strong force.

    Yunqiu was instinctively at odds with such a scene. He didn't notice it himself, and he didn't know why. His rapid growth in the past two months has made him no longer an autistic teenager who knows nothing about the outside world. He can no longer stay in that dull and indifferent environment, but he is afraid to step on the road. into the world of normal people.

    He just listened to the hustle and bustle on the lake and outside the man-made forest, stood up, and went to the vending machine to buy another bag of potato chips. He didn't eat it himself, but took out the potato chips and broke them into pieces, feeding them to the carp in the lake bit by bit.

    He can feed a piece of potato chips for ten minutes. After squatting for a while, Yunqiu was tired, and took his little bear down to the fence by the lake, a step away from the water, and sat down there.

    All the koi schools swam over and gathered around his feet, the sun moved from the top of Yunqiu's head to the side, and then disappeared from the side to the horizon, and the afternoon passed.

    Yunqiu didn't really want to go back. The scene of his dangerous escape training class in the past few nights is a fire. He has to escape from the simulated environment of different floors and geographical locations, across the electronic fire and simulated irritating smoke, which is uncomfortable and exhausting. He is not a person who is not afraid of hardships, but he still thinks about what Xiao Wenshui told him a few days ago.

    He said, skipping class if you don't want to go to class?

    He said he was disappointed in him.

    These few words were firmly nailed in his mind like a sharp sword. In order to show that he is no longer a kid who skipped classes, he bet on him, so he studied extra hard. The scratches and bruises hadn't healed yet, and now there were new wounds, and the whole body was bruised and purple.

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