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Chapter Eighteen

    The next day, the assistant sent a series of carefully selected videos. After the doctor checked the content, he copied a copy to his computer, and the rest were sent to the robot cloud to download the CCTV at home in order. inside.

    The first is a classic, scientific Omega sex education film, which was released half a century ago when the O-right movement was on the rise and was widely acclaimed.

    This series is divided into five parts: body changes, sexual intercourse process, pregnancy process, contraceptive measures, production process and risks. This documentary is also the first time that Omega, as the weaker of the three major genders, has experienced everything representative of knowledge. A and O, as gender minorities with a proportion of 0.001% of the entire Union's population, control the vast majority of social resources. A is due to its own superiority, while O is attached to A. In the past, everyone believed that being born as an Omega is inherently lucky and can be favored by alpha. As the producer of the next generation of heirs, you can rest easy from now on. Abandoned by most people today.

    The doctor brought two sets of test papers, and said very seriously to Xiao Wenshui and Yun Qiu who were sitting on the sofa: "These two sets of test papers are about the basic knowledge of AO combination. Do it once, let me check the grades, and do it a second time after watching the documentary, is that okay?"

    He observed Xiao Wenshui's expression in particular, and he always felt that Xiao Wenshui would think this thing was a waste of time. But in the process of AO's combination, what is more important is the cooperation of alpha, and it is not enough for Yunqiu alone to know the risks and challenges he faces.    

     Yunqiu's estrus prediction result has come out, and it will be thirty days later. After the doctor got off work last night, Xiao Wenshui's secretary also secretly broke the news to him, saying that he rushed to work a few days ago because of illness, assigned tasks, and had already set aside five days in next month's schedule to prepare for Yunqiu. This also made the doctor finally breathe a sigh of relief.   

      He always felt that Xiao Wenshui saw something - because he just sent Yun Qiu in to seduce Xiao Wenshui yesterday, Xiao Wenshui's secretary sent him this message to reassure him. But the doctor didn't dare to ask, he could only pretend that he didn't know anything.

    Xiao Wenshui didn't say anything, he took the printed questionnaire and started to do it. He was leaning on the sofa, with his head slightly lowered, and the gesture of holding the signature pen was also like the gesture of signing a contract in a company, elegant and extravagant, not humane.

    But Yunqiu was different. He sat on the floor, lying on the coffee table, staring at the dozen-page questionnaire, scratching his head. He thought it was an exam, and there was only one reason why he was willing to do the paper—Xiao Wenshui actually took the exam with him.

    Yunqiu stretched his neck to secretly read Xiao Wenshui's answer, but Xiao Wenshui did it much faster than him. He was still dawdling on the first page, and Xiao Wenshui had already finished half of it.   

       Yunqiu was a little dejected, and he said: "Brother, wait for me. You are doing too fast, you should stop and check carefully, and you can't be careless. You can see that you are doing so fast, and you must make a lot of mistakes in a while."    

      Xiao Wenshui said: "If you are stupid, don't rely on others to hold you back."   

      But he still put down the pen and waited for him.    

      The doctor said beside him: "If you don't know it, leave it blank. This is not an exam, Xiaoqiu."    

      He turned his head to discuss Yunqiu's pregnancy with Xiao Wenshui.   

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