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Chapter Thirteen

    Yunqiu was extremely tired today, and fell asleep on Xiao Wenshui's shoulder after crying.

    The driver was driving in front, and Xiao Wenshui carried him home all the way. The doctor had already heard that he had come to pick up Yunqiu. Usually when he knew in advance that Xiao Wenshui would come, the doctor would come at a different time during the day, and this time he didn't bother them.

    It was pitch black from the front yard to the inside of the house, and it was obvious that Yun Qiu had unplugged the robot before leaving.

    Xiao Wenshui carried the man on his shoulder with one hand, and fumbled to turn on the lights at home. Yunqiu was in a deep sleep, and he hadn't woken up yet on the sofa. Xiao Xunqiu got up and turned on the robot, which brought hot water and a home medical kit, and lowered his head to wipe Yunqiu's skin. Local medicine.

    Probably the heat from the hot water caused some pain on the wound, Xiao Wenshui pinched Yunqiu's ankle, saw the little boy wake up once in the middle, and looked at him with round eyes in a daze. Xiao Wenshui ignored his probing gaze, and washed his wound with water on his own, then sprayed the film-forming medicine mist on his shiny white soles, and then put waterproof stickers on.

    The medicine was cold and quickly relieved the sting caused by the heat. Yun Qiu tightened his grip on the little bear in his arms, and fell asleep again.

    Xiao Wenshui put down Yun Qiu's ankle, knelt on the ground and put on slippers for him, then got up and looked at Yun Qiu.

    This child has always been very good at sleeping. Give him a pillow, and Yun Qiu can fall asleep even if he leans against the corner of the wall. Now he fell asleep again.

    Xiao Wenshui leaned over slightly, reached out to touch the sensitive glands on the back of Yunqiu's neck, and said in a low voice, "Get up, go take a shower before going to bed."

    Yunqiu was awakened reluctantly , this time he only opened one eye and looked at Xiao Wenshui, and said very impatiently: "No."

    Xiao Wenshui was patient: "Look at you, you're covered in sweat, you can't go to bed like this."

    "Then I'm going to sleep here instead of going to bed." Yun Qiu still only opened one eye, looking extremely sleepy, and his voice was a bit milky, "Sleep by yourself, don't bother me. "

    Xiao Wenshui looked at him for a while, then picked him up and walked into the room.

    He put him in the small bathtub and slowly stripped his clothes. During this period, the bathtub cylinder body automatically heats up and becomes warm, and the exposed skin will not feel cold when it touches it.

    Yun Qiu was wearing a T-shirt, Xiao Wenshui quickly took it off and threw it aside, followed by Yun Qiu's pants, and the round chicken spring hairpin on his head. When Yunqiu was lying naked in the bathtub, Xiao Wenshui reached out and put down the shower head to adjust the water temperature.

    Yunqiu learned to bathe by herself when she was ten years old. Before that, he would often fall asleep while reading stories and cartoons willfully. Xiao Wenshui and Xiao Xunqiu would bathe him together, take care of this little ancestor, and throw him on the bed in a roll with a towel. When Yunqiu woke up the next day, he would tell them as if he had discovered some shocking secret: "Yesterday the elf helped me take a bath!"

    After a while, he felt that the temperature was okay, so he poured water on Yunqiu. But Yun Qiu subconsciously hid in his sleep for a while, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Hot."

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