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Chapter 83

    The two words "good night" almost became the source of his life-saving, Xiao Wenshui looked at these two words, smiled, and seemed to be lost, wandered in place for a long time, and then drove away.

    He waited for Tuesday with almost the thirst of a starving ghost, during which time he was haunted. However, when Tuesday was really approaching, he started to get too nervous again, and he couldn't even lift up his energy during the treatment, but put all his energy on Yunqiu. He was as nervous, astringent and uneasy as a young boy when he first met the person he had a crush on.

    However, no one can see his abnormality. He is still indifferent and solemn in front of others, and even looks more indifferent and inhumane than before. Only careful people can see that his current indifference and his previous condescending inertia It's different, he is indifferent to everything now.

    On Tuesday night, Susan ordered him a platelet transfusion, and for the first time gave him her modified miracle drug.

    She said: "There will be a period of observation after taking it, and I will add some improvements to your current condition in the formula you gave me. If you adapt well and are effective, I will increase the drug for you according to the gradient. Concentration. If this goes on, maybe it can help you last longer than the time in your prediction model, and it is estimated that it can last for two years in the best case."

    Xiao Wenshui said: "Yes."

    Susan began to doubt whether he had listened Hearing what he said just now: "Can you repeat what I said?"

    Xiao Wenshui paused for a while, and after about two or three seconds, he recalled it, repeated what Susan said backwards, and then straightened it out. He looked at her in the same way, as if he was a little puzzled by her attitude.

    Susan was almost not pissed off by his attitude, she yelled at Xiao Wenshui like a child: "Can you cheer up a little bit, you are so inhuman and ghostly all day long, even Yunqiu would look down on the current You, you are not like this."

    Xiao Wenshui was stunned instead: "I...what should I be like?"

    Susan was angry: "What do you think?"

    Xiao Wenshui murmured: "I have left the company affairs to Xunqiu, and now I have nothing to do. You can't expect me to do anything except treatment. I am a He's dying, Susan."

    Susan became even more angry, wishing she could twist his ears and yell, "I told you, there is a special medicine, and it can last for two years! I think you can live within two years If you find a match, where will you cry later!"

    "I can't find it." Xiao Wenshui said with a deep smile, "there are only so many alphas in the entire league...the number of alphas to match may be too low."

    Susan continued to shout: "Then I don't care! I don't care whether you just find an Omega mark or let Yunqiu get pregnant or do a test tube to give birth to a baby for you! You can't be like this anymore , right now! Find yourself a job, Yunqiu cares about you now, you are happy, one day he ignores you, are you going to die immediately?"

    Xiao Wenshui still didn't listen to her words, he He said in a daze: "It hurts too much. Pregnancy and childbirth are so painful... It is even more painful to do a test tube. Such a long needle penetrates into the body, and the success rate is still low. He can't bear this kind of suffering. No way..."

    Susan Seeing that there was no way to communicate with him at all, he was so angry that he threw a row of cut-out tinfoil boards at him, "I think you are crazy, Xiao Wenshui, think about what you are doing. Come back and report your physical condition to me in two weeks, don’t make any wounds during the period, you should figure it out for yourself, the later the stage, the smaller the injury may kill you, and it’s too late for you to regret it when the infection dies.”

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