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Chapter Nineteen

    Xiao Wenshui went to take a bath, and then asked the robot to cook. He and Yunqiu sat alone, eating in silence.

    Yun Qiu wanted to talk to him, but didn't know what to say, and didn't dare. The momentary misfire caused the child to ignite a fire in his heart, but he lingered there and didn't know how to extinguish it. All he knew was that Xiao Wenshui suddenly left him and left him, leaving him lingering and weary, with unfinished thoughts.

    The most irritating thing was that Xiao Wenshui had no other reaction, just looked at his tablet calmly as usual, and gave him instructions without giving him the slightest look.

    Yunqiu just buried his head in eating, and while eating, he peeked at Xiao Wenshui from time to time. After several times, he finally got Xiao Wenshui's attention—Xiao Wenshui raised his head and found that he was looking at him again. She didn't know what was going on in her little head, but as if she remembered something, she forked the fried egg on the plate to Yunqiu.

    Yunqiu protested: "I don't want it! You eat it yourself."

    Xiao Wenshui said: "Then you put it there."

    Yunqiu looked at the eggs on his plate, and then at the ones on Xiao Wenshui's plate— ——Yunqiu himself wanted to eat fried rice at night, so he asked the robot to order assorted fried rice, while Xiao Wenshui had beef with tuna sauce and a fried egg that was cooked just right. Yunqiu immediately seemed to have discovered a secret, and murmured: "You must not like eggs, so come and stuff them for me."

    Xiao Wenshui raised his eyes and glanced at him, his expressionless face all afternoon There was a little smile on his face: "I'm smart at this time."

    Yun Qiu complacently said, "Don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do to yourself, big brother, you..." He said, looking at Xiao Wenshui's face. In the end, she was timid, not daring to be too presumptuous in front of him, and obediently ate the fried eggs.

    He finally found some similarities between himself and Xiao Wenshui, or rather, he discovered that Xiao Wenshui was more like a human being than an omnipotent god, with weaknesses, illnesses, and his own secret details Likes and dislikes, such as disliking eggs like him.

    He was a little elated by his little discovery. This child has obsessive-compulsive disorder, while criticizing Xiao Wenshui in his heart, he still ate up everything on the plate, even a handful of broccoli seeds.

    After eating, Xiao Wenshui sat on the sofa again, turned on his tablet and started working.

    Yun Qiu sat down beside him obediently, with her legs close together and her hands folded on her knees, wishing she could sit like a ruler. After he was full, he became sleepy, and his energy for moving around was gone. This time, he didn't overturn Xiao Wenshui's tablet, but just sat obediently, waiting for Xiao Wenshui's next instructions.

    He is like a morning glory, which blooms red in the morning, impetuously and passionately piercing into people's eyes, full of innocence and bad water; after noon, it will wither in the sun, and its color will turn to a dull blue-purple, and it has been quiet and humble. until nightfall.

    This is also a manifestation of Yunqiu's endocrine state affecting his psychological environment, and it can be said to be the most obvious manifestation.

    Xiao Wenshui took an electronic pen, glanced at the obedient Yun Qiu, and laughed softly: "Little trumpet flower."

    Yun Qiu didn't hear clearly, and doubtfully denied, "I'm not a small trumpet, and I don't speak loudly."

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