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Chapter 101

    It's only the seventh day, the results of the blood test should not be particularly accurate, but the doctor found that the HCG hormone level in Yunqiu's blood was many times higher than that of the average person, so he came to a conclusion.

    Yun Qiu himself knew the numbers by heart, so he excitedly came to the doctor to ask for the test report, and the doctor typed it up and showed him the numbers. Yunqiu also noticed this. He scratched his head and asked the doctor, "Baby, is there any problem? Is my value a little higher than normal?" The

    doctor thought for a while and told him, "This is normal. Yes, generally speaking, this hormone level is also related to the gender of the baby. If you are pregnant with a girl, the HCG increase index will be slightly more significant. Another thing is that the alpha baby will also cause such a situation in the parents in the first trimester But Xiaoqiu, you have to take medicine to regulate the hormone level in your body, and you can’t be sure about too many things now. Just in case, in addition to going for the physical examination according to the general check-up schedule, you come to me every five days Come here for a while, and I'll give you a checkup."

    Yunqiu nodded, the joy in his eyes hadn't dissipated.

    The doctor was in a heavy mood at first, but when he saw him smiling like that, he was relieved for some reason. It seemed that at that moment, a voice somewhere told him that it was right to follow the idea of ​​this little thing like Yunqiu this time. No problem.

    This kid Yunqiu is always lonely and courageous. He is delicate, a little dull, innocent and kind, but he dares to go out of the house alone, decides to paint by himself, and divorces Xiao Wenshui alone. Dare to secretly decide to get pregnant alone.

    His decisions seem to be impulsive and based on emotion, but he will take every decision he makes so seriously. It happens that he hasn't had any troubles yet, although every time he seems to be pinched Khan, but if it wasn't for someone watching over him, or if it wasn't for the child's hard work, he hadn't seen what Yunqiu wanted to do but couldn't do it.

    He smiled and pinched Yunqiu's face: "Okay, Xiaoqiu, let me treat you to a snack to celebrate Xiaoxiaoqiu's arrival."

    Yun Qiu happily ran to have afternoon tea with him, and immediately began to act like a baby, complaining to the doctor that he had been wanting to sleep for the past few days, was prone to sleepiness, and "was caught by the soft tendon powder on the TV" , limp and weak, almost failed to hand in the homework, and was going to be scolded by the teacher, but he still "worked hard to draw eight homework", I hope the doctor can praise him.

    Now the doctor and the others have figured out the pattern, when Xiao Wenshui was around, Yunqiu would act like a baby to Xiao Wenshui. When Xiao Wenshui was away, he would come over to make trouble with them. All in all, he wanted to win some love and attention, and wanted to be taken care of. In the first trimester, some people will indeed become more sensitive, but this one obviously doesn't apply to Yunqiu, he is full of energy, and the way he calls the doctor every day does not seem to have the reactions he said.

    He works and rests normally, and learns to draw according to the progress normally, but when he said it, it became a very hard work on drawing. The doctor has already figured out these little tricks of his, praised him, and then smiled: "I can think of it. After the husband finds out that you are pregnant, you can make a fuss, Qiuqiu."

    Yunqiu muttered dissatisfiedly: "I will He didn't know about it." The

    doctor smiled: "Then when are you going to tell your husband? When the time comes for the first official prenatal check-up, if you want to create a file for the baby, others will have their husbands to accompany you. You definitely don't want to be alone. Did you go?"

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