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Chapter Twenty Seven

    Yunqiu finally chose Xiao Xunqiu's school. He doesn't know the difference between a regular high school and a rehabilitation school for AD patients. He only knows that the school was opened by Xiao Xunqiu, he is the principal, and Xiao Wenshui is the school director, and his two older brothers are there, so he wants to go.

    Xiao Wenshui's behavior of leaving that night greatly irritated Yunqiu. He cried alone for a long time, fell asleep while crying, and cried again after falling asleep.

    After dark, he was afraid of falling asleep alone, and there was no cub, so he went to Xiao Xunqiu with red eyes and asked him: "Brother, can I sleep with you?"

    Xiao Xunqiu agreed, and coaxed Yunqiu . , and slept with the child. But Xiao Xunqiu's sleep is different from Xiao Wenshui's. Xiao Wenshui doesn't move when he falls asleep, but Xiao Xunqiu rolls around and snores softly.

    Yunqiu shed tears secretly by herself, unable to sleep. Xiao Xunqiu in the dark breathed heavily. After watching him for a while, Yunqiu remembered the heavy sleeping stone lion in the cartoon.

    He called him in a low voice: "Brother."

    But Xiao Xunqiu didn't answer him, and fell asleep as usual. This unshakable appearance seemed to merge with the darkness, and Yunqiu once again felt the fear of being isolated by the world. He climbed out of bed, sneaked out, crossed the unfamiliar house and corridor, and ran to the living room with anxiety.

    He turned on all the lights, turned on the TV, turned it up to the max, and curled himself up deep in the couch.

    He wanted to call Xiao Wenshui, but he didn't have a mobile phone, and there was no robot around him.

    Yun Qiu was almost overwhelmed by this helplessness, he sobbed softly: "Big brother, I want to go home..."

    But no one answered him.

    Yun Qiu ran to the door, wanting to open it like before, but Xiao Xunqiu had already locked the door and window under the orders of the doctor and Xiao Wenshui, Yun Qiu couldn't open it himself, so he could only squat down by the door, sobbing and waiting It seemed that he was still hoping that the door would suddenly open and Xiao Wenshui would come out from inside.

    In the monitoring screen, the young man on the porch of the entrance squatted and squatted, and then lay down, sleeping on the ground, with his head against the cold and hard wall. He is like a kitten that has been beaten by its master, and can only curl itself up to gain some warmth.

    At 3:30 in the morning, the time was beating in the upper right corner of the monitoring screen, second after second, and it was extremely suffocating.

    The doctor's office was filled with the smell of disinfectant, Xiao Wenshui quietly looked at Yunqiu who was under surveillance.

    The doctor was sitting by the side, who had never smoked before, and Xiao Wenshui smoked together at this time, there were five or six cigarette butts piled up in the ashtray, and the office was full of smoke.

    No one spoke. After the silence lasted for a while, the doctor couldn't help but cleared his throat: "Xiaoqiu has just changed to a new environment. As the guardian, your sudden departure will make him... very, very insecure. And you said Yes, in the conversation with Xiaoqiu yesterday, there were too many factors that stimulated him, such as school and other topics... Sir, I understand that you want Xiaoqiu to become self-reliant earlier, but you need gentler means, like last time, Give him a door and guide him slowly instead of forcing him to go out. This process will take at least two to three years..." The

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