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Chapter Seventy-Five

    Yun Qiu made coffee for that alpha, and at the instigation of the guilty lady boss, sent him a free bursting strawberry cake, saying it was an evening special.

    The proprietress was guilty, and Yun Qiu was even more guilty. When she went to find the other party, she almost couldn't even hold the plate steadily. Fortunately, the other party took it. Yunqiu asked if he wanted to help cut it open. The alpha looked up and said, "Okay, please." The

    six-inch cake was full of fragrance after being cut, which made the index finger move. Yunqiu skillfully cut him into six small pieces suitable for eating, and then placed the knife and fork, spare cake plates, alpha watched him leaning over, and suddenly asked: "Are you a student who works here? Are you still studying?"

    Because Yunqiu is good-looking, many customers would ask casually before. Yunqiu said, "I'm in the third year of high school attached to Xingda University."

    Alpha nodded and didn't say anything. He was the only customer left in the shop. When Yun Qiuqie was about to get up, he suddenly spoke and pointed to the small cake in front of him: "It's a waste to eat alone, can I give you another plate?

    " The request was unheard of. After thinking hard for a while, Yunqiu searched for the "Employee Rules" in his mind, and recited it in front of his face: "Employees are not allowed to eat during working hours."

    In fact, this practice has been broken again and again. In theory, as long as the proprietress is consulted, they will eat a little when there are few people, but they will not eat in front of customers, because it will damage the image of the store, and it is easy for customers to see the employees eating. Lazy and lazy, there is no positive appearance.

    Alpha smiled: "So it's like this, it's really hard work, when do you get off work?"

    Yunqiu said: "It's twelve o'clock, but you can eat slowly, we still have two hours before closing."

    alpha "Oh "He let out a cry, then lowered his head and smiled, as if he had discovered something new and interesting. It had been more than an hour since he came here, and it was obvious that he had been let go. The lady boss on the other side also sent a message, telling him very politely that he had encountered a traffic jam and couldn't make it in time, and felt sorry for his missed appointment.

    Alliance Star City hadn't been stuck in a traffic jam for more than ten years, let alone in the middle of the night, the traffic jam was simply a non-existent thing. The attitude of the blind date is obvious.

    Yunqiu returned to the counter. With customers, he couldn't eat the little chocolate buns he hadn't had time to cut just now, so he could only sit in front of the cash register, draw lines with his fingers, and recall the knowledge he learned today.

    At twelve o'clock, the proprietress sent him a message: "Xiaoqiu, get off work, you worked hard today~ This month's bonus is stable! I love you!"

    Yunqiu looked at the message, then looked up at the person sitting at the table. Alpha, the other party has already put away the phone, and it looks like he is about to get up and leave. So he hurriedly waited, ready to send a warm farewell to the guests when they left, and then went to clear the table and turn off the lights to get off work.

    Alpha's money has already been tied, so Yunqiu searched and found the only present left today - a beautifully woven handmade knot, wrapped in a beautiful gift box.

    When he was about to call the other party to stop, he saw that the other party had already walked towards this side. The tall alpha asked him: "It's twelve o'clock, can I still order now?"

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