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I took several deep breaths as I stood in front of the big glass doors that separated the outside from the inside of Grey Sloan. Before Monday, I hadn't been here since 2010. And I'd never been here as a doctor before.

I knew that nothing good would come from standing outside, especially not if the wind decided that was the moment it wanted to pick up. So I braved all my nervous feelings and made my way inside.

I don't know why I was so nervous. I knew everyone who knew me that was on the board had already agreed to me getting this job, which meant they must be some sort of happy or excited to see me back here after my hellish few cancerous years. Of course, the cancer's still there but from what I had chatted about with both Chief Hunt and Doctor Shepherd, no one was going to know about it. Except for the department chiefs, because Hunt felt they had the right to know.

I pushed everything aside as I found the resident's locker room. There was an empty one so I made my way toward it.

"Doctor Dawson" I whispered, looking at the white coat that had my name and distinction on it.

"Hi, are you one of the new residents?" A voice asked. I turned to find a tall, dark man standing there with a warm smile on his face. I nodded and smiled.

"Taylor Dawson" I said, extending my hand out. He nodded.

"I was your anesthetist a few times. I decided surgery was cooler when you were the one cutting, not keeping people asleep so I became an intern. I'm Ben Warren, I'm married to Doctor Bailey" I smiled warmly and shook his hand.

"Is she still here?" He nodded.

"Oh good, she was always one of my favorite doctors"

"So you became a doctor huh?" I nodded.

"I was studying all my pre-med courses in this hospital half the time. Then after my last surgery, I went to LA and finished med school. Here I am" Ben smiled.

"It's great to meet you Doctor Dawson"

The locker room filled up with a few more residents who introduced themselves to me. One more walked in and I knew straight away who he was.

"Taylor?" I nodded and held my hand out.

"Taylor Dawson" I confirmed. He smiled and shook my outstretched hand.

"Luke Gallagher"

"You two know each other?" Stephanie Edwards asked. Luke and I both shrugged.

"Kind of"

"She stalked me on Facebook"

"You posted an ad about wanting to find an apartment" Luke chuckled.

"I guess I did. I'm Luke Gallagher, I just transferred from Johns Hopkins" The other resident's eyes grew wide.

"Why did you leave Hopkins to come here?" Jo Wilson asked. Luke shrugged. 

"I'm from Seattle. I wanted to be home. Plus, I've always had a thing for ferry boats" I laughed.

"How long have you known Doctor Shepherd?" Luke looked at me oddly.


"That's something he used to always say. I just figured you picked it up from him" Luke shook his head.

"Afraid I'm completely original, sorry"

"Wait, do you know Doctor Shepherd?" Stephanie asked me. I nodded cautiously.

"I came to this hospital a lot as a teenager. I had cancer once upon a time. I got to know a lot of the doctors here. It's how I know Doctor Warren" I said. I mean I wasn't lying, not technically. I had cancer and was in the hospital for it a lot here. Ben knew me already and half of the attendings here were my doctors once upon a time. But I wasn't telling anyone I still had cancer, not right now.

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