No doctor who ever knew me as Taylor Dawson the patient could look me in the eye for more than two seconds. And it was starting to really annoy me.
Even worse, most of the doctors had heard about my interaction with Alex Karev at lunch and now everyone was shooting me weird looks, not just the doctors who have known me for almost ten years.
"This is beginning to piss me off" I muttered to Luke. He shrugged.
"You're the talk of the town because you kicked cancer's ass. They're the assholes in this story" I smiled.
"You're right"
"We're still on for Joe's?" I nodded.
"Assuming neither one of us dies today" I joked back.
"Don't forget I get your salary if you do" Luke said, walking off to go follow up with one of Bailey's patients.
"Doctor Dawson, Doctor Robbins needs you up on Peds" Jackson said, still not looking me in the eyes or even smiling. I wasn't about to bring it up, no matter how much it bugged me. I simply nodded.
"Thank you, Doctor Avery, I'll head there now" I walked away, not wanting to look back. I knew the look Jackson would have on his face. It's the same look everyone else seemed to be giving me. Pity laced with disgust.
I made my way to the Peds floor, only to find Alex instead of Arizona Robbins, chief of Pediatric surgery.
"What?" Alex said.
"Doctor Avery sent me here to see Doctor Robbins"
"She's not here and I don't need you. Go back to the pit"
"No" Alex snapped his eyes up to meet mine.
"Excuse me?"
"Doctor Robbins asked for me. I will wait for her and see how I can help. I will not be sent away by you"
"You're a resident and I'm an attending. Now go"
"You're a fellow and I was requested by the chief of Peds. I'm not going" Alex looked into my eyes but I didn't back down.
"Doctor Dawson?" Arizona's voice came. I smiled sarcastically at Alex and walked away from him towards her.
"You asked for me?" Arizona nodded and handed me some charts.
"I need the results for all of these patients. There's a mixture of MRI, CT, bloods, urine, and path" I felt my smile drop.
"Do you need me for anything a doctor can do?"
"Excuse me?" Arizona asked.
"I've been a scut monkey all day. I'm a doctor you know, and a freaking good one at that. I figured a board that wanted me here so badly might have been a little more respectful of that but I guess not" I took her charts and walked away before she had a chance to say anything. I got it all done in record time, dumping them in front of a somewhat shocked, and maybe a tiny bit impressed, Arizona and Alex.
"Wait, Taylor!" Arizona said.
"I'm needed back in the pit" I lied, continuing to walk. I knew Arizona and I knew the kind of person she was. I knew that if anyone was going to be aware of the way I was being treated and attempt to apologize for it, it would be her. Unfortunately, I stopped being in the mood for that a few hours ago when Alex berated me at lunch for being a doctor in the same hospital as him. Now it seemed my entire future at Grey Sloan was going to be coming from a desire to prove everyone wrong. Sure, it was going to make me more unpopular than I currently seemed to be, but I only knew how to fight for things so trying to get me to give up was not going to work for these doctors.

Doing The Dance (Jackson Avery Fanfic)
FanfictionTaylor Dawson should have been dead years ago, but fate brings her back every time. But what if fate just wasn't enough anymore?