"So, how are you feeling?" Jackson asked me one morning as we drove to the hospital.
"You mean about sitting my boards tomorrow? Terrified"
"You're gonna be fine"
"Easy to say, hard to mean Avery"
"You're the best resident we've got. You've met all your hours even with your six-month break from surgery last year. You were the first resident to be offered solo surgeries. Not to mention you've done it all while kicking cancer's ass. You're ready Dawson" I smiled and rested my hand on his thigh while he drove.
"Still terrified though" Jackson groaned and rolled his eyes.
"Hey, you're getting a free trip to LA to do it" I chuckled.
"And you've got an empty apartment for three days to trash in twenty minutes"
"I'm not gonna be that bad. Anyway, I thought about going to LA too." I looked at him.
"Jackson you can't do that"
"Why not? These are my residents from my hospital, right? Why can't I make sure they're okay?" I nodded.
"Of course, you can do that. But we won't be able to go out, share a hotel room, or anything like that. Not without the others finding out" He sighed.
"Steph and Jo already know we're together. Ben's not gonna say anything and if he does, it'll be to Miranda who won't say it to anyone else. And Richard's banging my mom so I should be okay around him"
"I still don't think it's a good idea. I mean, what if April decides to go?"
"Why would April decide to go to LA?" I shrugged.
"Anything could happen."
"What's this really about Tay?" Jackson asked as he parked the car. I sighed.
"I just don't want to feel pressured because you're there" He looked at me.
"Baby, I would never pressure you, you gotta know that"
"I do know that, trust me. I'm just afraid I'll internalize it and let it get to my head if I know you're there" Jackson nodded.
"I get it, I do. I won't go"
"Really?" He nodded again.
"Really. I want you to do well but I want you to be relaxed during it. Now let's go, you still have half a day's worth of work before you catch your flight" I smiled and leaned over, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"You're the best. I love you"
"Wow, a kiss in the hospital parking lot? You really are stressing" I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever let's just go to work. No one's out here, no one saw."
"And one day I'm gonna walk into that hospital holding your hand, and I won't let you stop me" I chuckled.
"In your dreams, Avery. Let's go"
We walked into the hospital, the same way we did almost every day. No hint that we were in a relationship, no PDA, no talking really if we could help it. But today soon became different when Jackson stopped me.
"Hey, Dawson. Good luck, okay? I'm sure you'll do great" I smiled.
"Thanks, Doctor Avery, here's hoping" He nodded once and we went our separate ways, me to the resident's lockers and him to the attendings' lounge. I took a deep breath and sighed as I walked in, Jo, Steph, and Ben already being in there.

Doing The Dance (Jackson Avery Fanfic)
FanfictionTaylor Dawson should have been dead years ago, but fate brings her back every time. But what if fate just wasn't enough anymore?