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I thought things would have been weirder than they were. I mean, they were definitely weird but I didn't feel the way I thought I might about it all. Being back in surgery, living with Jackson, going out with him, and him admitting he was in love with me only six months after I lost Luke? It felt like a joke like I should be running further from these situations.

Instead, I found myself moving towards them, naturally as well.

We had a very, and I do mean very, strict 'no romance' rule at work, not even in private, not even in an on-call room, and not even in the parking lot. I was working closer than ever with April the closer it got to my boards and I wasn't ready for the shit to hit the fan just yet.

Of course, people still knew or at least suspected, but Jackson and I were yet to confirm it in any way to anyone at work. Steph and Jo only picked up on it because when two people live together, go on one date, and continue to be friendly with one another, there's little left to the imagination. They'd never accept that we had a date and decided we were better off as friends and continued to live together. I wouldn't accept that either, because that kind of thing never happens in real life.

"We're having Harriet this weekend" Jackson mentioned as we drove to work that morning.

"Oh no, you're having Harriet and I live with you"


"Jackson, your ex-wife is the last person I want to lie to but the only person who needs it. If you say anything about it being the two of us, then she's gonna catch on." Jackson shook his head.

"She won't."

"Uh, yes. She will. She's smarter than you realize." Jackson sighed.

"Fine, you might be right. Either way, Harriet is going to be in our apartment this weekend and she likes you so you're going to help out" I chuckled.

"Yes sir. We're a block away." Working from memory, Jackson parked the car in a secluded lot and leaned over, and kissed me. This was our kiss goodbye before we walked into the hospital, but we knew there was no way it was going to happen in that parking lot any time soon.

"I love you." Jackson offered.

"Your ex-wife is gonna kill me"

"She doesn't know"

"Well when she finds out, she's gonna kill me" Jackson rolled his eyes.

"Say it back, I have a meeting to get to" I smiled.

"I love you"

"Good" He continued the short drive to the hospital parking lot and we both got out and walked in as cool and calm as we could. "Make sure you let me know if you're pulled into surgery, I'm not waiting around for you" I rolled my eyes and walked ahead of him.

"Goes two ways, Avery. I'll see you after work" I walked ahead to the resident's locker room and came face to face with Jo and Steph. "What do you two want?" Jo rolled her eyes at me.

"Only to know when you and Avery are going to make it official"

"We're already official, have been for almost six months"


"Just, shh! Okay. We're not going public with it yet, for very obvious reasons. And you two would do well to keep it to yourselves" Jo and Steph looked at each other and sighed, Steph wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"We just want you to be happy Tay" I chuckled and pushed her arm off, heading for my locker.

"I am happy guys! I love him, so much. In a way I didn't think I'd ever love again, after Luke."

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