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"This place is amazing!" Luke all but yelled inside the apartment we had looked at earlier in the week. I rolled my eyes.

"Shh, we still have neighbors!" I whispered. He shrugged and continued looking through the small two-bedroom apartment we had just signed the lease for earlier that week.

"I'm just happy I don't have to live in my parent's crappy basement anymore"

"Beats the nasty ass motel I've been living in for the last week"

"Touché Dawson. We need to get some furniture for this place" I laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, in case you hadn't noticed I don't even have a bed." Since we signed the lease, we had been slowly moving our things in. And by we, I meant Luke. All of my belongings fit inside my car seeing as I had brought them from LA with me and it had taken two trips to get it all in here. For the last two nights, I had been sleeping on a blow-up mattress on the floor, despite Luke offering his bed to me.

"You need to hurry up and buy one then, it's sad watching you sleep on the floor" He joked.

"Ew, why are you watching me sleep?" I joked back, prompting him to roll his eyes and shove me.

"Today's the first day off we've had since we started, let's go furniture shopping or at least browsing. Resident's wages might not furnish this place instantly."

"At the very least I need a bed and we need a couch and kitchen things" I agreed. Luke grinned and grabbed his keys.

"Then let's go, I'll drive" I rolled my eyes but grabbed my phone and coat anyway.

We ended up finding me a decent bed with matching furniture, as well as a couch and coffee table for the living room and some standard crockery for the kitchen. Everything else but the kitchen stuff was going to be delivered that afternoon. For now, our living room was two camping chairs Luke had borrowed from his parents and a large box as a coffee table.

"I'm hungry, want to order pizza?" Luke asked. I nodded, sitting down with my cup of coffee. My coffee maker was one kitchen item I wouldn't part with when I made the move from LA, and Luke drank as much as I did so it was proving to be a worthwhile save.

"Sure, pizza sounds good"

"What time is all the furniture meant to get here?" He asked. It was just past lunch now.

"3. Gives us enough time to eat and clear space for everything. It's nice having coffee from a real mug and not the travel one I use for work" I said, taking a sip of the hot beverage. Luke had grabbed a soda from the fridge, seeing as we'd made sure to stock it with groceries on day one. Not too many, we were still broke residents after all. But I used my savings to pay for most of the furniture and Luke was going to pay me back for the shared things. I didn't worry though, we'd been fortunate enough to get it all pretty cheap as far as furniture was concerned.

"So the ER the other night was kinda cool. How'd you get so good at that?" Luke asked, me shrugging in response.

"I told you, I always loved trauma in LA. Hands-on was my favorite thing. I'm glad Avery decided to give me the time of day, even if it was to spite me after my interactions with Robbins and Karev."

"I don't think he'll be acting in spite ever again, not after seeing that" I smiled.

"Sweet talking makes you sound like a creep" He nodded with a similar smile.

"Good, remind me never to waste it on you again. I'd rather do it knowing I'm going to get into someone's pants."

"You're disgusting. And as long as it's not someone we work with, I don't care whose pants you take off. Just make sure I'm in my room when you do"

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