Needless to say, everyone was shocked to see me when I stepped out of the resident's locker room and began making my way to the Peds ward. Arizona's mouth hung open as I walked towards her, no wig on my head and face full of a smile.
"Sorry I'm late Doctor Robbins, I hope I'm not too late to scrub in on the appendectomy" Arizona smiled back at me and shook her head.
"You know if I hadn't already met you before I think your resilience and tenacity would have shocked me something terrible."
"I'm a fighter Doctor Robbins, always have been" She nodded.
"You most certainly have. Are you sure you're okay with everyone knowing now?" I shrugged.
"If people want to have an issue with me being a doctor with cancer, that's on them."
"You're right, come on. I want you to fly solo on this" I looked at her, eyes wide in disbelief.
"S-solo?" Arizona nodded.
"I assume you've done a solo appy before."
"Yeah, in my dreams"
"Well, have you assisted many?" I nodded.
"More than I've had surgery performed on me" I admitted. She smiled.
"Then you know what to do. Look I'll be there in case you need me but you're a capable doctor and I won't stand in until I'm convinced you can't do it" I nodded.
"I won't let you down Doctor Robbins" She smiled.
"I don't think you will, let's go scrub."
I smirked to myself. A solo appy and a liver transplant tomorrow? Alex was going to hate that his revealing of my health had backfired so badly. The apology from Jackson also made me wonder if it meant the negative behavior was finally going to stop and I was actually going to be allowed to scrub in on surgeries like every other resident was able to. At this point, the only times I had seen the inside of an OR at this hospital was as a patient or from the gallery. They wanted this to be a renowned teaching hospital? A good place to start would be actually teaching the residents, all of them.
Even the one with cancer.
"You ready?" Arizona asked as a surgical nurse gowned and gloved me. I nodded.
"As ready as I'll ever be"
"It's easy enough" I snorted.
"I'm not an intern anymore Robbins, I'm not going to pull an O'Malley here" Arizona laughed from behind her mask.
"He's not the only intern to mess it up. Jo Wilson messed hers up a few years back when she was an intern as well"
"That makes me feel better actually, I thought everyone here was better than me"
"Please, after the way you ran the ER, no one here thinks that anymore"
"Except Karev"
"You know what he's like Dawson, he has his opinions about things" I shrugged.
"I just thought after everything we went through together, he might be a little more sympathetic or even proud of me. Guess I was wrong"
"He'll come around"
"Robbins, he ripped my wig off in front of everyone on purpose"
"People make stupid choices when they're jealous"
"Alex Karev is not jealous of me" I assured her. She simply shrugged again.
"He's certainly not feeling secure with you here. He wouldn't be acting like this if he were"

Doing The Dance (Jackson Avery Fanfic)
FanfictionTaylor Dawson should have been dead years ago, but fate brings her back every time. But what if fate just wasn't enough anymore?