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Okay, so I've fully finished the book and there are four chapters left, including this one. So I'm just going to update them daily to finish it all off. I might write on grey's again because this was really fun!


I made my way to the pit, where Owen was surprised to see me in scrubs.

"I thought I didn't have you today?" He questioned.

"My appointment got changed to this afternoon. I was planning on being here all morning, but Bailey twisted my arm into attending Derek's lecture, and Jackson forced me to have coffee with him" Owen chuckled.

"Well, bed three just checked in, want to take it?" I nodded and began to get stuck into my work.

After working for a few hours, I walked over to Owen.

"I have to take off for this appointment, but I'll be back after" Owen nodded.

"I've got plenty of interns and residents to help me out"

"You're losing the interns to a skills lab being taught by my boyfriend" Owen cursed.

"Damn it, that's right. Well, we're quiet enough in here for now. It'll stay that way if I ask it to, right?" I chuckled.

"I'll be back as soon as I can"

"I've got my fingers crossed for good news" I nodded.

"You and me both, Hunt"

I made my way through the hospital, to the oncology ward where I checked in for my appointment, sat, and waited. While I waited, my phone vibrated with a text.

I'm not allowed to kill any interns, right?

I chuckled at Jackson's text before typing a reply.

No, but I think we're allowed to yell at them if they deserve it. I'm waiting for Hyland now, I'll see you soon enough.

"Taylor?" Doctor Hyland's voice came. I looked up and saw her waiting with a smile on her face. I smiled too and stood, walking into her office.

"Sorry to bump you around like this. We were swamped yesterday, and I lost a week entirely because of this new strain so I'm trying to get my hours back up" I apologized as soon as we were in her office. She shook her head and waved her hand at me.

"Don't apologize dear, the work you do in that ER is remarkable and not easy. Let's sit and talk about your scans" I nodded and took a seat opposite her. "Did you get a chance to look yesterday?" I shook my head.

"No, I had to rush right back to the ER. Major car crash"

"You seem nervous" I took a deep breath and sighed.

"These scans are always nerve-wracking, especially the further along and closer we get to being in the clear. And Jackson and I had coffee that seems to have gone right into my bloodstream"

"Well let's put your nerves at ease. Here, this was your latest PET scan" She pulled up an image on her computer and turned the screen. I looked on, in confusion.

"That's it? I don't even know what I'm supposed to be looking at. Has the machine changed?" I looked at Doctor Hyland, that same confused look on my face not being replicated. Instead, all I got was a massive smile.

"The machine hasn't changed. And as for what to look for, the answer is nothing. Because there's nothing there, Taylor. No cells. No new ones, no old ones. Nothing" My confusion melted into disbelief.

"W-what? Are you saying...that..." I couldn't finish my sentence, but Doctor Hyland was nodding.

"I'm saying there are no traceable cells in your liver. Or any other part of your body. And usually, I get your bloods to confirm what is happening on the PET scan. But for the last few appointments, I haven't really looked too closely at them because I knew what they would say. Cancer cells in the liver. This time I scoured over the results tirelessly to confirm it." I was sweating.

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