Wilhelm's birthday

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(A/N: This fanart was just too cute. Had to share it :3)

Wille pov:
The sun was shining through my window. It was a saturday and I was laying in my bed at the palace and not at Simons bed or at my bed in Hillerska. It was my birthday and I couldn't spend it with my boyfriend cause my mom said I had to stay at the palace and I could see Simon on monday at school. But I wanted to see him instantly. He was a bit sick the day before and after school I directly had to go to the palace. I couldn't even go to him for 5 minutes to check on him. I just could ask how he was on a phone call and he didn't sound well.

I got up from my bed trying to be happy but it didn't really work. It was my first birthday without Erik, first birthday as a crownprince and the worst: the first birthday with a boyfriend who was not with me. Shitty birthday, if you would've asked me.

Suddendly I heared a knock on the door. I just had a T shirt and boxers on so I yelled „Wait..." and grabbed a pair of joggers from the floor and walked to my door. I opened it and saw the cute smile from Simon. „Happy Birthday." he said, waiting for a reaction of mine. For a few seconds I just stood there, kind of overwhelmed and shoked. „Everything's fine?" he asked with a bit of concern in his eyes. And then I realised what had happened in the last minute. He is here. I just took his hand and pulled him into my room. „Your here!" I said. „I am indeed." he said grinning and I just took his face in my hands and kissed him. Simon laid his hands on my hips and pulled me towards him.

„But wait," I said pulling back „How did you get here? Its not like any busses would drive you here." Simon just laughed and started to get out of his jacket. „Malin drove me here. She picked me up like an hour ago. The traffic was terrebile, but we got here earlier then expected." he said while just throwing his shoes somewhere in the room.

„I have never been here before. You have such a big room." he said while looking around. „It's a castle." I said laughing. Simon stoped infront of my shelf. On it, there was a picture of Erik, mom, dad and me. „Do you think he would've liked me?" Simon asked. „I think he would have loved you." I said while hugging him from behind, because I knew how much he liked it. I liked it too though. I laid my head on his shoulder. „So..." I started but couldn't finish, because Simons lips were already touching mine again. And we kissed. His hands were everywhere and again not. I just held him as tight as I could, sacred that he would disappear in any second and wouldn't come back to me. At some point we fell onto the bed.

A knock. I was frightened and jumped away from Simon. The confusion was written on his face and gave him a sorry kiss before going to the door. It was the new servant Jan-Olof had hired last week. „Good morning, Crown Prince." she said with a warm smile. „I am here to tell you that the breakfast for you and Mr. Erikson is ready. And the queen will call you in a few minutes. Just so you are warned." she said, gave me an warm goodbye smile and walked away. I closed the door and looked at Simon who laid on my bed, half awake, half asleep. I went to him and kissed him on the forehead. „Simon, breakfast is ready." I whispered in his ear and with a little mumble he stood up.

The castle has normal rooms. Not the typical rooms you would expect in a castle. High cellings with glamourous decor on the walls. Our diningroom is for example a small room. Modern but still it was really cozy. The table was filled with all my favorite breakfast stuff. Cereals, a few fruits and vegetables and at the other side I spotted a few things Simon liked. „Wow." he said while letting himself down on a chair. „My favorite fruit!" he let out, out of nowhere adn grabbed it. „How did they know?" I asked after I let myself down on a chair aswell. „I had a bit of a talk with Malin." - „And she asked you what your favorite fruite is?" I asked, raised an eyebrow and Simon just nodded while taking a peace of bread.

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