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(Bit more in the future, just for context <3)

Simon pov:

The door slammed and I noticed a tear on my cheek. My feelings were stuck somewhere between "he's coming back" and "did we break up?".
And like every time after a fight, I was just confused. Wilhelm knew I loved him, but those were the moments when I wasn't sure anymore.
And what confused me even more was that I was always the one who stormed out. But this time it was Wille. He never actually left. My back pressed against the wall behind me and I sank to the floor, not knowing what to do with myself. I put my knees up, put my arms on them and buried my head in them.

Mom was not at home but at work and where Sara was I never knew anyway. So I cried... I cried until I couldn't breathe... I cried until there were only tears running out of me and no more sounds. And it just didn't make any sense. I didn't even know what we had been arguing about. I looked out of the window and it started to rain lightly. And the few sunstrains from outside made a little rainbow shine into my room.
I got up, took my jacket off the bed, put on my shoes and left the house.

Wille pov:

I walked around the corner and not further for a while. I just stood there; my hand rubbing my chest. Why did I go? Why was I even angry? I stood there for a bit, hoping he would come after me. But he didn't.
So I went to my car got in and drove back to Hillerska.

Those were the days when I was glad to have a driver's license so I could escape. And I did it often. Mostly to Simon. And this time I escaped from Simon. I knew the fight was only temporary and we would get along again. But... every time it still felt like I had lost a part of my home.
My head was still spinning with thoughts as I closed the door to my room. I just threw my jacket on the floor and changed into other clothes. I lay down in my bed and there they were. The tears that I seemed to be holding back all the way here. They ran down like the little raindrops on my window. Silent and slow.

Simon pov:

Raindrops fell like tears from the sky. Like tears that were reflected on my face and in my eyes. Tears that were now foreign to me. I had not cried for a long time. Because when I was with Wille, I couldn't really cry. I could do nothing but smile.

And through my tears I smiled. I thought about Wille. How his eyes lit up when he talked about something he was happy about. How warm his smile was when he heard me sing and how he made sounds of pure happienesse when I played him a song of mine. How he went from being the scared prince who seemed like the biggest idiot to one of the strongest people I have ever met. That he became the person I loved.

I continued the list in my head as I walked home through the rain. At home, I just sat down at the kitchen table with a piece of paper and a pen and started to write all the things down. A kind of letter.

Dear Wille,

Wille pov:

I had not even noticed how I fell asleep. Therefore, I was first very confused when my alarm clock rang. But that disappeared when I realized that it was my third alarm and I was way too late.

Still putting on my jacket, I stumbled out of Forest Ridge and walked at a fast pace to the school building. On the way I realized that I didn't have class with Simon in the first lesson and I couldn't decide if that was good or bad. I opened my locker to take out my books when a note flew towards me.
For Wille was written on it. In Simmes handwriting. I took a look at my watch. I was too late anyway, so I stuffed my books back into the locker and ran back to my room. Once there, I dropped onto my bed comepletly out of breath and picked up the note.

Dear Wille,
To be honest, I don't even know why we were fighting to beginn with.
But I don't want to be mad at you anymore. Or you at me. And I know you probably blamed
yourself for not being enough... or something like that. That's why I made this:

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