After the speech

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Wille pov:

As I looked to Simon, I could feel the calming feeling I was hopping to get so long. The feeling I reached the end, even though I knew this was only where it started. A revolution. I turned again and could hear all the cameras making photos and all the students already talking. Some of them typed something on their phones, so my speech was probably all over social media already. I just wanted to end the speech and just leave.

„I don't want to pretend to be somone, that I am not at all. Even when I will disapoint people, and I know I always will, because you can never make everyone happy, I'll try to be a Crown Prince that my country, my family and myself can be proud of. Some traditions my not work out now the way they did before, but I'll find a way. To finish this speech I just wanted to say thank you. Thanks to my classmates, who I know support me, to the principal, my mother and my father, my brother Erik, who I wish could be here today, to my friends and..." I didn't needed to say Simon's name. I just looked at him and he smiled like a proud boyfriend. My proud boyfriend. „I can't thank you all enough."

My mother looked at me with something between disappointed and angry. I couldn't really tell anymore. Walking back to my chair and be even more presenteble to the cameras just felt wrong. So I adjusted my jacket and gathered my cards. I just walked of the stage, up the staires next to the choir. The people muttered behind me, but actully I couldn't care less. My eyes locked with Simmes as I looked at the choir. He looked at me in a mix of proud, happy, terrified and confused. I gave him our signal and nodded towards the main building. Then I went into it leaving everything behind.

I heard steps behind me and turned around. I saw Simon walking towards me, away from the jubilee. I put foot infront of foot till I reached him. It was just us. In the background I could hear the principal trying to save what I had propably just ruined. I hugged Simon as thight as I could, like he could just vanish. After staying like that for a minute even if it felt like a decade, Simon freed herself from my hug. „You did it... Thank you." he said, laying a hand on my cheek and looked at me like he could just cry because of how proud he was. I layed my hand on Simons. „I would do it again. Everytime. And I know you were willing to be a secret. But the last time I lost you and I can't lose you again."

„Oh Wille." he said and hugged me as thight as I did a few seconds ago. I felt tears in my eyes. „I will not leave. I promise." his thumb stroke my cheek. „Let's just go. I know what will happen if we are still here when everyone comes in." I just nodded in agreement. I offered him my hand and he took it. „Now it is you and me against the world."
„You and me against the world, Crown Prince." he said and we just went out.

I knew that bodyguards would already be at my room so I took Simon to the lake. The place I fell for him so deeply that I didn't think I could ever like someone as much as I liked Simon, loved someone as much as I loved Simon. The wind blew through his curles and messed them up a bit. I thought about a moment or a feeling that discribed the best, what I was feeling in the moment. There was none. A flood of joy and relieve crushed on me before Simon aksed something I knew would be hard to put into words but I had to give him the answer he deserved.

„What will happen now?" he asked. I thought for a moment to find the best way to tell him that even more people will get on his nerves now. „I wish I could say ,I dont know'." I said instead, „But sadly I do. With me saying that it was us in the video, the people will harass you even more then when it was just a rumor. And I apologize in advance for that. Also I think my mother will make you sign NDAs. So you're warned for that. But you do not have to sign something you do not wan't to sign. What else? Oh yes, I will panic. Like, a lot. And I need you to be there. Please don't leave like I did. Wich I am sorry for by the way." I said and Simon looked shocked but not at the NDAs part or somthing else from most off the stuff I just said. The fact I was scared he would leave shocked him more. „As I said: I will not leave Wille. Ever." and I just hugged him. We stood at the same point as the last time we went for a walk. It felt like a decade but it was only a few months in the past.

„The water is cold today." I said and looked at the water. But I just knew Simon was smiling. „Same place." He smiled even more now. „But now you can kiss me." he said and so I did. Last time I really wanted to but couldn't and I started to get benefits out of this situation. But in the same moment I knew that the benefits would disappear earlier then I'd like.

Hand in hand we got back to the main house. Students and teachers were spread all over the place. A few infront, others inside. As we came closer, I started to panic a bit. I squeezed Simons hand and he looked up at me in concern. „Hey, it's fine. We go through this together." and he squeezed my hand, too.

The first people saw us holding hands and for a second I just wanted to run away. But I didn't. I got this. We got this. The inside wasn't as filled as much as I expected it. The most people were infront of the bulding or still at the podium, spread across the little park. But who was inside, getting something to drink, was Felice. „Wille!" she called, placed her cup on the nearest table and came to us. I let Simons hand go and Felice huged me. „I am so proud of you. And," she turned to Simon „I am proud and happy for you!" she told him and hugged Simme aswell. „Where were you two? The bodyguards are searching everywhere." Felice said and looked at us curious. „We took a walk." Simon said, cause suddenly I could't speak. They really searched for me. My mother is probably really disappointed. Oh no...

„Crown Prince Wilhelm." a voice said behind us and we turned around. Jan-Olaf, interrupting me for the second time today. „I think we have to go now. The queen wants to talk to you. And Simon." he said and glared at Simme. I did too and he returned my glance. „Why me?" was written on his face. I shrugged. „Now?" I asked instead. „Yes, now. Come on." Jan-Olaf said, already turning. „Good luck. Tell me how it went." Felice said, gave us both a little kiss on the cheek and then disappeared in the dining room again. „I think we need it." I muttered, took Simons hand again as we followed Jan-Olaf.


Maybe, maybe not it will be like this. But I think it will be completly diffrent from what we all expect :)

And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss - Jeff Lewis

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