The trip

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Simon pov:

I haven't been to the palace very often. And when I was, it was for a sleepover or because the queen wanted to speak to Wille AND me. Obviously. And that time I wasn't there for a sleepover.

We were at the meeting room of the palace. Wille sat right next to me, holding my hand under the table like he always did.

„Thanks for coming." said Jan-Olaf. „Didn't really had a choice." Wille whispered in my ear and I gave a quiet giggle from me.
„Whats so funny Mr. Eriksson?" Jan-Olaf asked and before I could've answered Wille did it for me: „Nothing actully." „Okay." he said and turned back to the rest of people that were in the room.
„So, lets get to the point why we are here today. Your meijesty, would you?" he asked and Willes mother stood up. „So, because of reasons, wich we are not going to discuss, because certain people are here, ..." and I felt every look on me, from every single person in the room. I just looked at Willes hand squeezing mine. „... we are going on a buissnes trip to Paris for four days." the queen continued.„Why am I actully here?" I asked Wille quietly. He shrugged his shoulders.

The queen continued with her speech:„We, means Jan-Olaf, me, my husband, our bodyguards, Wilhelm and..." a little pause wich spoke more then a thousand words. „and Simon." „Really?!" Wilhelm asked exited. „Yes. If his mother agrees." Wille took my hand. „If you would excuse us, we have to make a certain call." „Malin could drive you two to Simon. Just...go. We have other things to discuss." she said and I couldn't even think and realise what just happened, when Wille pulled me out of the room.

„So we are going to Paris?" I asked as we were in Willes room getting our jackets. „We are going to Paris." he answered, picked me up and kissed me. One hand holding my neck the other holding my back. I layed my arms around his shoulders and just felt the moment.  „It has it's benefits to be your boyfriend." I said laughing into the kiss. „Not only that." Wille said and threw me onto his bed. Its big and soft, so it felt, like you would land on millions of feathers. And then his lips touched mine again. Obviously you see where this is going.

A knocking from the door. "What time is it?" I asked Wille, who just stood up and walked to the door. My phone said it was 17.30. I know who was behind that door, getting us to drive me home. "Malin!" Wilhelm said answering the door. "Crown prince, I think its time for Mr. Eriksson to go home." Malin said. "You can say Simon" I called from the back of Willes room putting on my clothes again. "Okay... Simon has to be home in an hour and we are already late." she spoke. "Okay. We will be there in 5 minutes." Wille said and closed the door. "I think we really have to go now. Sadly."

Waiting at the front door, Malin looked down at her phone. "Crown prince, Simon." She said looking up from her phone, now opening the cardoor for us. "Thank you Malin. And you know you can call me Wilhelm." He said but Malin just shook her head. "You know that this is something the queen wants me to do. I am sorry, prince." She said and closed the door.

"Hi Mom" I yelled through the house, cause I never knew where she was. Wille always felt more home at my house then at the palace or at Hillerska. So when it came to put stuff away, he was the first who did it. "Let me take this." he said after he gave me a kiss and took my jacket off. "Thank you, my prince." I said knowing exactly how much he liked it.
"Simon? Where are you?" she asked in spanish. "In the living room." I said. Mom spoke more spanish with me now. Especially when Wille was around, so she could gossip with me, without Wille knowing. What she didn't knew was, that I started to teach Wille a bit of spanish.
"Can you speak swedish right know? Cause its something about and with Wille." I asked as she walked into the living room.

"So whats wrong?" she asked after she had settled on the couch. "Well we have a question." Wille started. "Wille has to go to Paris next week and I just wanted to ask if I could come with him? The queen approved it." I said already knowing her answer. "With what money Simon? We're just making ends meet..." she said. "Of course, the royal court pays all costs." Wille said hopping that this fact would change her mind. "Are you sure that this is fine?" my mother asked once more. "Absolutly." He said smiling. "So this is a yes?" I asked enthusiastic. "It is. Have fun."

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