Happy Laughes

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(A/N Erik is alive again. I think we all started to miss him </3)

Simon pov:

"Simon do you have everything?" my mother asked anxiously, trying to open my backpack again. For the third time. "Yes, mama. I have everything," I said more annoyed than I really wanted. I've been traveling on my own before, and I did it with the school too. But it's different when you travel with the royal family.

Wille had been begging the queen for ages for me to come on a family trip with them, because he had been to Spain with us before. After weeks of long asking and probably also sometime annoying, she said yes. The costs ran all over the royal house. So plane ticket to Italy and so on. Otherwise my mother would probably have said no again. She had to already buy new riding gear for Sara and therefore no spontaneous extra expenses were in it this month.

When the doorbell rang, Mom finally left me in peace.
"Hey." said Wille as I smiled and opened the door. He had a normal sweater on, shining through his dark blue coat. To his blue jeans he had sneakers on that gave the whole outfit the final touch.

"You look nice." I said, and my cheeks immediately got a little warmer. "Nice hello." he said laughing and gave me a kiss on the cheek as he passed. My mother took Wille in her arms and they had a short talk.

I was about to grab my bag and take it to the car, but Wille was faster and took it away from me in front of my eyes. "Don't even think about it." He winked and waved at Mom again before disappearing behind the door.

"Such a..." I muttered but mom interrupted me. "Take care of yourselves. Call me every night, please. And be sure to send me pictures."
"Of course mom." I said and gave her another tight hug. "I love you, Simon." she said and took my face in her hands again as if it was the last time she would ever see me.

"I love you too," I said and walked backwards out the door. Malin was already waiting in front of the car and took my backpack from me, which I still had on my back. Duh. My bag had already disappeared into the trunk and Wille just lowered himself into the van.

When I finally sat in the van, Wille gave me a kiss on my mouth. "Oh, hi." I said with a grin. "Hi." he said again. He moved a seat closer to me and rested his head on my shoulder. "I missed you." he whispered so that only I could hear. I laughed briefly. "What?" farted Wille indignantly, "Am I not allowed to miss my boyfriend?" I laughed again and he punched me in the side.

"We saw each other yesterday, Wille." I replied and he shrugged his shoulders. "And?" I took his hand and laughed again.

While we were driving to the airport, Wille explained to me how everything would work from now on. His parents were already in Italy. They also had to leave early. So we had the villa to ourselves. At least for three days. But Erik would also be sneaking around the house for the three days. I had met Erik before. I had the feeling he liked me. He didn't know that I was together with Wille then, but he did now.

I expected that we would fly in a private plane, but I was still a bit surprised. "Here we are." said Wille and jumped out of the car when it stopped. I followed him, unsure how to behave. When Wilhelm saw that I was overwhelmed and unsure, he took my hand and didn't let go of it. "I'm here." he said, smiling.
"That's what I usually say to you," I replied, and he laughed briefly. "Is this normal?" I shook my head slightly.

For Wille it was nomal. For me, on the other hand, not at all. Walking up the steps into the plane was simply unfamiliar. But with a view to the future, I had to get used to it.
Wille ran in front of me and I was still not inside when I already heard voices that greeted each other.

"Wilhelm!" said a voice that could easily be assigned to Crown Prince Erik. "Erik!" greeted Wille happily as I was about to enter the plane. "And Simon. I've been looking forward to getting to know you better. Should I give you two some space or should we sit together?" Erik chattered away and I looked to Wille for help. He just smiled at me, gloating over how overwhelmed I was.

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