First Day

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Wille pov:

Hope flooded my body as I opened my eyes and autumn sun shone in my room. Another year, second year to be clear, in Hillerska; a year (and I prayed for it) without any people trying to make my life hell.

A new school year with Simon. Simon... I had stopped counting how long it had been since I had last seen him. In the first two weeks of summer vacation I was constantly on the road with my parents, especially with my mom.

When I was back, I had seen Simon a few hours and then already helped him pack, so that he could be the next morning already in Spain to be there for the rest of the vacations.

Meaning: I hadn't seen Simon for about three and a half weeks, and inside I was slowly going crazy. My nose craved for the smell of Simon; my hands missed his hands and Simon's curls that they loved to play with and my eyes missed the sight of him and especially his brown eyes.

But that would be over today. I would finally have him back. I would hold him in my arms and hope I would never have to let him go again.
This thought alone woke me up and I jumped out of bed. I still had plenty of time, so I made my way to the showers and took one before brushing my teeth in my room. After that I put on my school uniform and looked at my cell phone for the first time today.

Good morning, my prince💜
Can't wait to hold you again:) It's been to long

A big smile spread across my face.

Morning, sweetheart<3
What time does your bus get here?
About seven thirty. Eight o'clock is church, after all.
See you soon then:)

I looked at my cell phone clock and it was six forty-five. Means: Breakfast is just around the corner. So I jogged to make it to breakfast. On the way I greeted a few students who either had to go back or were also on the way to breakfast.

Shortly before I arrived, I stood in front of the main building and then I entered. The familiar smell of the building got to my nose and from the entrance I could already hear the unmistakable laugh of Henry. When I entered the dining room, it was briefly quiet but only for a few seconds, until everyone was back to their conversations.

"Wille!" said Henry who now stood up and hugged me and patted me on the back. "Hey." I said with a smile, feeling like I was back home, after sitting in meetings in the palace for so long. Even if something was still missing. Also, it was wired not seeing Nils, Vincent and the rest of thier group at the table. But I really didn't mind it eighther.

I sat down at my standart place and we all exchanged what we had done over the vacations. "... And then I was already in the car back here." ended Valter, "And you Wille? What have you been up to with Simon?" A little twinge made itself felt in my chest and I smiled over it.
"I had so much to do at the palace and then Simon was already in Spain," I finally said. Everyone nodded in understanding. By now everyone had a plate of breakfast in front of them. I looked at the clock above the door.

"Speaking of which," I said and stood up. I went back to the table with the food, put my plate on the other empty ones and made a small sandwich, which I rolled into a serving dish.
"I'll see you at church then." I said and left the room again.

A couple of girls left the opposite dining room as well, but not Felice. She looked briefly at the door from her seat and waved at me. I waved back and walked quickly towards the bus stop.

Simon pov:

I was so nervous. I could hardly sit still in my seat. Ayub and Rosh had taken an earlier bus to go with me. We had finally been able to do more things together in the two weeks that Wille had been in the palace.

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