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(A/N: Slightly unhinged Wilmon. You have been warned :])

Simon pov:

Simon just watched as his husband ran around the house as if stung by a bee, asking every thirty seconds: "Where's my... oh, here.". You would have thought after being in the public eye his whole life and this not being Simon's first album release party that Wille would be more relaxed about it all. And yet every time he ran like an excited chicken from the bedroom to the bathroom, then to Simon to give him a kiss and say how proud he was of him, only to run back into the bedroom to fix his tie.

After Wilhelm had once again disappeared into the bedroom, Simon sighed and ran after him. "Baby, please calm down. You're more nervous than I am and it's my event." he laughed and leaned against the doorframe. Wille only gave him a sly look before fiddling with his tie again. Simon twisted his arms and headed for their closet. He took out a pair of black baggy jeans, a white cropped top and an equally cropped black blazer. With that, he disappeared into the bathroom and put it on. As a final accessory, he hung a thin silver chain around his narrow waist before leaving the bathroom again.

Wilhelm was still busy with his tie and Simon gave up, again leaning at the doorframe. "Wille, honey, what do you say you just match your outfit to mine." Wilhelm's head turned to Simon with a flourish, his jaw now on the floor. Simon simply laughed, took the two steps towards him and pushed his chin up to close his mouth. "Close your mouth or flies will fly in." Wilhelm smirked slightly. "I'd prefer your tongue," he said, taking advantage of Simon's astonishment to kiss him. Simon didn't hesitate to kiss him back. He threw his arms over Wilhelm's shoulders, pulling him more close.

"Wille, just get dressed the way you want. We have to go soon." Simon said quietly, pressing one last kiss to Wilhelm's mouth and walking out of the room after. It only took a few minutes for Wille to finally come downstairs and... "Wow." Simon muttered and got up from the sofa. "This okay?" asked his husband, spinning on the spot as a demonstration. He was now wearing black skinny jeans with red Converse on his feet. His upper body was covered by a white shirt and a black tank top. The chain with his wedding ring wrapped around his neck, as Wilhelm had never liked wearing rings, unlike Simon, who hadn't taken off his engagement ring or his wedding ring for a single day. Now, they really did match.

"You might look even better than I do." Simon said with a laugh and straightened Wille's collar a little. "Not possible." Wilhelm laughed and pressed a kiss to Simon's forehead. Wille intertwined his little finger with Simon's and pulled it. "Come on, we have to go. Felice will kill us if we don't pick her up on time. And then Ayub is mad and then Rosh and nope. I'm not going along with this." Laughing, Simon let himself be pulled along.

"God, that was close." Felice said and dropped into the back seat of Wille's car. "Are you telling me that I just had to abort a great situation when you would've been too late anyway?" Wilhelm asked, weaving his way back into the road. "Okay, first of all, again, I was almost late and secondly, if the situation was that you could have made out with Simon, you're married. Shut up. You can do that later." Felice grumbled. "More than making out." he mumbled so that only Simon could hear, who turned away so that Felice couldn't see him blush.

They collected Ayub and then drove to the release party. Rosh always chose to drive alone. Only Simon's closest circle was to come. Over the years, his friends became more and more. But only the closest friends and family were allowed to come. They had rented a small restaurant for the evening, which was already besieged by papparazzi as they drove up. Wille looked at Simon and handed him his sunglasses while he put on his own. Felice did the same, but Ayub? Ayub didn't do anything, just waited for him to get out third as usual. For events where the four of them were going, there was a getting-out-of-the-car sequence that they now followed again, which was as follows:

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