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Wille pov:

"Felice!" I called out before she had completely disappeared from the classroom. I let go of Simon's hand and ran to Felice who had just turned around. "Yes?"
"We, that means Simon, Ayub, Rosh and I are bowling on Saturday. Would you like to come, too?" Something lit up in Felice's eyes.
"Sure. What time should I be where?" she asked, pulling out her cell phone. "I was going to take the bus to Bjärstadt at five pm on Saturday. Be there so you can get a ride, okay?" She nodded, wrote it in her cell phone, then waved goodbye.


She was just coming down the last few steps to the bus stop when the bus pulled up."Hey." I greeted her and we hugged. "Hey!"

"Is Simon picking us up or are we walking somewhere?" asked Felice as we settled into the nearly empty bus. "They're waiting outside the bowling alley. It's only about three minutes from the bus stop there." Felice nodded and looked out the window.

"After we bowled," I continued, "we were going to go out for pizza. I would then go with Simon to his place. Ayub had offered to take you back to Hillerska, on a motorcycle to be noted, because there aren't that many buses going there this late." Felice turned back to me and raised an eyebrow.
"I hardly know him."
"That's why you're getting to know them now. They're very nice, trust me." I assured her, and she actually looked a little more touched.

On the way to bowling we talked about a presentation we had to give the next week. And when I took my eyes off Felice, I saw Simon already waving frantically at us. I quickened my steps slightly and ran towards him.

"Hey." I said when I reached him and pulled him into a hug before pressing a kiss to his lips. I noticed how he smiled into it. I kept an arm around his waist as Simon introduced Ayub and Rosh to Felice. "Shall we?" asked Rosh afterward, already taking two steps toward the front door. We all looked at each other once, nodded, and followed Rosh inside.

Rosh handled everything at the reception while Simon and Felice went to get drinks.
"She's nice." said Ayub, looking at Felice, who was laughing at something Simon had said. "She is. I've known her since kindergarten and she's kind of like a sister to me." I said and smiled because it was true. The times we had kissed had proven to me even more why I thought that way.

Simon and Felice came back with the drinks in their hands. Four cups. It had somehow turned out the way, that Simon and I always shared a cup. "I took Coke for us," Simon said and gave me the cup. I took a sip. "Guys!" called Rosh from across the aisle and we made our way to her. We picked up our bolling shoes, with me getting wired looks again, and then made our way to our seats.

When we arrived at the track, we threw all our jackets into a corner and entered our names on the score-board.

Feliz(e) Navidad
Will(e) to live
Prince Simon

Simon came up with the idea for mine and Felice's name, I put Simon down and Ayub and Rosh were switching shoes. "EY! Why do you have such awesome names and we don't?" shouted Rosh indignantly and Simon laughed. "It's not my fault you didn't want to go alone." Behind Rosh, Ayub gave a laugh. Roshw gave him a small annoyed look, before she took a deep breath and with a smile she walked towards us again.

Simon pov:

We played three rounds in which Rosh won once, Wille once and Felice once. To be honest, I was never really good at bowling. But still I went again and again. Simply because I enjoyed the time with my friends. After the three rounds, however, we all agreed that we were hungry and so we signed out at the reception and went out on the street.

"We would drive up with the bikes," Ayub said, putting on his helmet. "I have a spare helmet. Felice, would you like a ride?" Felice looked up and slowly took the helmet. "Yeah, okay. So you two are walking then?" she looked at us and I nodded. "The pizzeria is not far." She nodded as well and got on the bike behind Ayub. Then they drove ahead and a few seconds later Rosh followed.

"Shall we?" asked Wille, holding out his hand to me. I smiled, took it and off we went. It was already a bit late, which is why the streets were relatively empty. At some point I lifted our hands and put Wille's arm around my shoulder and rested my head on his. He didn't even wait a second to put his head on mine.

"You have a new perfume." murmured Wille. "Do I?  I asked, lifting my head and looking at him. He just nodded proudly at his discovery. Chuckling I turned my head down. "What's so funny about that?" he asked, pressing me further against him. "That I had only grabbed a sweater from the floor in the hurry before and only later realized that it was yours, Wille," I said with a grin at the sight of Wilhelm, who now saw that his flirt attempt had backfired.

"But lucky for you, I actually have a new perfume," I said, still grinning. Wille raised an eyebrow. "Really?" He let go of me and stopped. Not far away, I saw Felice engaged in a conversation with Rosh and Ayub. So I turned my back to them and looked at Wille while taking another step backward. "Yes. I call it Crown Prince." A small smirk on my lips I watched as Wilhelm slightly opened his mouth in shock.

"You..." he said and ran towards me. I could still react and sprinted towards Ayub. He heard my quick steps and looked at me with wide eyes. "Simon? Why are you running away from Wilhelm?" he asked as I made myself small behind him to hide from Wille. But he crept around us so quietly that I was pulled into a hug from behind. I laughed out loud. "Wille." I said breathless with laughter. After I calmed down, he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I turned my head a little more and got a kiss from his lips, a smile on both of our mouths.

"Thanks for rubbing in the fact that we're still single." Ayub said, rolling his eyes with a smile. "Talk about yourself." said Rosh shrugging her shoulders and walking into the pizzaria. "Wait, you... who, SINCE WHEN?" shouted Ayub and went after her. I looked at Wilhelm and we laughed again. And before we could say anything Felice said, "Don't stop. You're too cute together to stop." With that, she disappeared into the building as well.

"We're cute, aren't we?" said I, turning around and resting my arms on Wilhelm's shoulders. "We're cute, Simon, and as far as you're concerned, attractive." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and left me standing outside, blushing.
God, he didn't flirt a lot. But when he did, he did it completely right.


It started with a bang
Don't know how you got me so messed up,
But baby, I won't ever get enough oh, 
'Cause I'm so damn into you
- Vlad Holiday

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