Parents Day

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Simon pov:

Parents' Day was coming up again and before I even realized it, the day had arrived. I was offered again to sing a solo. And that with either a new text that I would've to write or the old one from three quarters of a year ago that I was not allowed to sing at that time. And I chose the old one. Everyone knew it was about Wille, but I didn't really care. The song meant a lot to me so I just had to take the chance to sing it.

"You can do it Simon. I believe in you. But I have to go now. I'll be home early from work to be on time for lunch. I can't make it earlier. And again, I'm sorry I won't make it to your performance," Mom said on the morning of Parents' Day. "That's okay. Actually, you're only there because of Sara. She's the one at boarding school." I said teasingly and my mother rolled her eyes. "I don't see you that much anymore either because you practically live there too." she replied and I blushed a little of shame. She was right, after all. Mom always acted as if she didn't mind that I sometimes slept at Wille's during the week, but she did mind. I could see it in her face. "I'm sorry." I said guiltily. "That's all right. But I really have to go. I love you. See you later." She called out as she closed the door behind her after giving me a little kiss on the forehead.

I in turn went to my room to put on my school uniform and made sure I looked somewhat human. My nervousness came straight from hell. I practiced again to make sure I didn't sing anything wrong, even though I knew the lyrics by heart. I had a little ritual before every performance. So I went to my closet and took one of Willes sweathers, that still smelled like him, out, put it over my uniform and I just started singing. Willes sweather gave me luck. I learned that in the past.
I practiced like that for ten minutes until I realized that my bus was about to leave.
So I grabbed my backpack and caught the bus right on time.

The class was canceled like last year. But I got there early to check on Wille. He seemed very nervous the day before. More nervous than me and I had to sing infront of the whole school and thier parents. So I made my way to Wille's room when I got out of the bus.

I knocked on the all too familiar door. A few sounds came from the room inside and I took a step back. "Good morning, Simon. Good luck later." said Henry who just left his room and with towel in hand obviously wanting to take a shower. "Good morning Henry. And thanks." I threw in as the partition door closed and Willes opened. "Good morning, babe." he said obviously stressed and left the door open. So I just followed Wille into the room and closed the door behind me.

It was a complete mess. There were clothes all over the floor and the bed didn't look any better. "Sorry for the chaos. I'm... I was..."
"Wille it's okay. You know my mess. But what's the deal with babe?" I asked, realizing.
"Oh... Ehm... it just slipped out." he blushed a little.
"Do you need help. You look a little lost right now." I said, giggling.
"A little bit!? My parents will be here in two hours because they're the last to arrive, of course," he said in a reproachful tone, "and I haven't finished getting dressed, nor is my hair anything close to done." he said.

I only now noticed that Wille was standing there in just suit pants and shoes.
Honestly, I was getting a little hot, but I cooled down again when a little fall breeze came through Willes open window. I put my backpack on Willes bed and handed him his shirt. "Even though I like to see it, start getting dressed," I said, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "And good morning by the way, my prince." he liked it when I said that. So I did it pretty often.

Wille got dressed and I tied his tie because he was shaking so much. I gave him the cereal bar I had packed and he sat down probably for the first time today. While he calmed down a bit, I started to put his things together on the floor and put them away.

"Feeling better?" I asked, settling down next to him. "Yeah, thanks. Don't you have rehearsal at church?" he asked, and my eyes widened. "The set rehearsal. Thanks." I said and put my jacket back on. "What are you guys singing, by the way? Just the school anthem?"
I had two options. 1. I could tell him about my version or 2. I said nothing and surprised him. I chose option two. "The same anthem I sing at every event, but that's okay. I'll just sing louder. See you then." I said and kissed Wille goodbye.

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