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Simon pov:

The hallways of the school felt more... alive than they had in a long time. Little flags hung everywhere and rainbows lit up the hallways even more. A smile crossed my lips. And when I opened the door to the classroom, my heart just exploded. Rainbows hung everywhere in gerlands or simply on the wall. On the shelf with pens stood a small basket with stickers from which one could take something.

The room was empty as planned. I was looking through the stickers when arms closed around my waist from behind me and I felt a light kiss on my shoulder. "Hey." I said softly and put the stickers back before turning around. Standing in front of me was Wille with a big smile on his lips. He was wearing blue jeans with a white t-shirt with a blue denim jacket. He was also wearing white sneakers and his hair was perfectly in place. He looked like a... prince. My prince to be exact.

"Hey." He places a gentle kiss on my lips before he broke away from me and sat down on one of the tables.
"Why did you want to see me again before the party?" he asked.
I placed myself between Wille's legs and rummaged something out of my pants pocket. A small box that had been hanging around in my drawer at home for almost two weeks. "That's why." I said simply and moved the box to his chest. Wilhelm took the box and looked at me in confusion.

"Open it." I commanded, and my smile grew even wider. He hesitated for a moment, but then opened the small box. Inside was a pin to plug on clothes. A pin in the shape and colors of the Unlabled flag. Wilhelm looked up at me with wide eyes. "Simon..." he said softly and looked down again. "Do you like it? I know you're not sure and stuff and I wanted you to know that thats okay." I rumbled before I could've been stoped, tilting my head. "It's wonderful." said Wille, pulling me into a tight hug.

"May I?" I asked, taking the pin from his hand. I put it on the breast pocket of his jacket and then smoothed it out. "But then I'm the only one with a pin like that." grumbled Wille and before he could grumble further I gave him a kiss. "Don't worry about it. Shall we?"
I held out my hand, waiting for him to take it. And when he did, we got out of the school building to the palace.

The students' plan was to just sit through the prom at school, but still party, go into the room as an alibi, and then all sneak into the palace to continue partying there. I put in my few ideas over the past few weeks. With the school management aswell as with Stella who had planned the continuing party. And I managed to do that without Wille knowing.

Already meters before the main building one heard the music drone. The floor practiclly vibrated. Wille's hand in mine we walked in. We ran into a few classmates who smiled at us and went on. And there it was: My idea. In front of the party room was a small table with many small baskets. In each basket were pins like the one Wilhelm was wearing. Every sexuality and every gender flag was included.

"How cool." said Wille, turning to me after looking at everything carefully. "Who's idea was that?" I raised my hand and Wille's smile grew bigger then before. "But why couldn't I just take one of those?" he asked, tilting his head.
"Because yours was a custom-made one." I said smiling and noticed how my face immediately turned red. Good thing that through the LEDs it wasn't so noticeable. "What do you mean by 'custom-made'?"

"I had our initials engraved," I said, taking his hand in mine again, "I wanted you to have a more personal pin." A blush spread across my cheeks.
Wilhelm just smiled even bigger now and looked at the pin again. Now he saw the S and the W on the flag. He released his hand from mine and pulled me into a tight hug. "Thanks Simme." he whispered, and through the loud music I could only half understand, but I did.
"Always, Wille." I murmured back.

On the dance floor, we were pulled away by Felice, before Henry even had a chance to do so. Felice also had a badge on her chest, but through the LEDs I couldn't tell which one. Just about everyone was wearing a flag and a few were just wearing the Ally flags. And I felt the relieve when I realised my idea worked.  At the front of the room a DJ booth was set up and Maddison was already at it, taking the headphones from the actual DJ. Stella and Frederika laughed at the sight and went back to their dancing. And so Wille took my had and forced me to dance with him. I was so glad that the choir didn't have to perform, but was allowed to sit out because the choir director was sick.

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