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Wille pov:

I had not seen him for a week. For a week I missed his soft brown curls. His soft skin and how it was slightly red when I kissed it. His laugh which triggered a joy in me that was indescribable. And above all: his soft lips that I had not kissed for a fucking week.
In short: When I got up in the morning I thought first of the moment where I would have him back in my arms.

The second thing was that I missed my alarm. Fuck.
In twenty minutes, class started, which meant that Simon was already at school waiting for me. And again: Fuck.

I jumped out of bed as if I was stung by a bee and brushed my teeth while getting dressed. I grabbed my key for my locker and my cell phone and walked quickly to the school building.

I still had a good 5 minutes when I closed my locker until class started. So I opened the door relaxed, only to find that of course EVERYONE was already there. Also a certain sweet spanish boy who had the voice of an angel.
My certain sweet spanish boy who had the voice of an angel.

His eyes met mine and a big smile spread across our faces. With a quick step, I stepped over to Simon and settled down next to him. "Hi." I said with a smile. "Hi." replied Simon, giggling.
I simply pulled him into a hug. His typical smell immediately rose to my nose and I never wanted to let him go again. Never. Again.

But when he pulled back and looked me in the eye, I remembered what I had planned. I leaned forward to kiss Simon. But just at that moment the door flew open and our, with the absolute shittiest timing, geography teacher came in. I hung my head in disappointment and gave Simon an angry look as he giggled. But my heart changed that very quickly because his laugh made it trip. As it so often did.

We got up, stood behind our chairs, and greeted our teacher. As we sat back down I pressed another quick, barely noticeable kiss on Simon's cheek and the spot like the rest of his face turned a light pink. And it made me so happy, it was indescribable.

"Please open your book on page 124. Write down the most important information and answer the questions below." the teacher said, opened his laptop and started typing.
Then I noticed that I didn't have a pen with me, let alone a laptop. I tapped Simon silently and he looked at me with a smile. I pointed with a questioning look at his metal box for his pens. He nodded knowingly and handed it to me. When I took it, our fingers brushed lightly for a millisecond. And just that little touch ignited a fire on my skin that left pure goosebumps. And it felt awsome.

I really tried to concentrate on the lesson, but it just didn't work. I was too busy staring at Simon, then moving closer to him to put my hand on his thigh and caress it with my thumb. Simon's blush now no longer disappeared.

"I like that." I whispered. "What?" he asked without looking up from his book.
"That you blush at the lightest touch from me. It's never like that." I said with a peeling smile and the corner of Simon's mouth moved up a little.
"Is that so?" he asked without inhibition. My head nodded in a proud smile.

Simon just kept looking at his book and smiled slightly.
I tried to concentrate on the tasks and managed to do so to some extent. I wrote down the important information, but before I could get anywhere near the questions, Simon's hand moved in the direction of the strand of hair that had just fallen into my face and brushed it back into place. When he withdrew his hand, I quickly held it, as if I had planned it, and kissed his knuckles. Simon looked at me, startled for a moment, and then blushed like a tomato again. "You're stupid." he whispered to me and buried his face in his hands.

"I can't help it if you give me such good templates!" I countered and Simon just looked at me, rolled his eyes with a smile and concentrated on his tasks again. And when I say concentrate, I mean that the fine gentleman no longer spoke to me. When I had questions, he silently showed me the answer in the book, with a smile that sat mockingly on his lips.

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