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Simon pov:

"You're staring, Wille." I said with a smile as I wrote down the last word of my homework. Wille, now feeling slightly caught, quickly looked away and peered at his paper again. "Not true at all." I laughed and kissed him on the cheek. "I didn't say it bothered me, Wille." Now he was smiling again, too.
Suddenly I felt two hands settle on my shoulders. "Well, how are my two princes?" Felice asked and I turned to her. "Good." I replied, looking at Wille. "Likewise."

"You're both coming later, right?" she continued. I looked questioningly first at Wille, who was also wondering what she meant, then at Felice herself. "Don't tell me you forgot?" she said, surprised. We continued to look at her questioningly.
"Guys, it's movie night!" she finally said, and a light went on in my head. I looked at Wille who had also clicked. "That was today? I thought it was next week." Wille said and looked at me. "I knew it was today. I just completely forgot." I said in response to Wille and looked at Felice again. "Are you coming or not?" she asked laughing.

I looked again at Wille, whose gaze immediately caught mine and we agreed without a word. „Of course." we said at the same time. "Wonderful. Then we'll see you soon." Felice warbled and disappeared as quickly as she had appeared. "Did you realize that was today?" I asked Wille. "Not really no." he answered laughing.

Since it wasn't worth going home now, I wrote to my mother that I would stay with Wille. She was not really surprised.

After we finished our homework, we went to Wille's room. This was the first time today that I was really alone with Wille. So alone alone. I threw my backpack and jacket on the floor and just grabbed Wille. When our lips touched, it felt like we had been doing it forever, even though there was a kiss at the bus stop that morning.

"Hey." Wille said, looking me in the eye with a smile. He had this certain sparkle in his eyes which I appreciated very much. "Hey." I said with a smile, resting my head in his shoulder. "You good?" Wille whispered questioningly. I nodded slightly. "Just a little tired," I finally said. "If you want we could sleep until the movie starts. Dinner will probably be popcorn then." Wille said. "Wouldn't be the first time Wille," I said laughing "But yeah, sleeping sounds good." I just mumbled into his shoulder by now.

"Let's do it like this then." Wille said, lifting me up all at once. "Wille!" I exclaimed in surprise. We fell together on the bed, laughing. I snuggled closer to Wille, who was lying with his back against the wall. I inhaled deeply Wille's smell before I spoke again.

"How are you, Wille? Like, honestly?" I asked him, turning around so I could look at him. "You're here." he said a little dreamily. "That's not exactly an answer." I said with a grin. "It is to me." he replied, giving me a kiss. "And you?" he asked. I buried my head in Willes chest and wished for a moment that we could stay like this forever.

"You're here." I murmured into his chest and I heard Wille laugh. "Yes. Yes I am." Wille whispered, giving me another kiss on the top of my head before I fell asleep. But I was also absolutely tired.

Wille pov:

Simons chest pressed itself against mine whenever he inhaled, and I loved it. Just seeing him lay there and sleep while I just held him with me made my breathing so much easier. I couldn't sleep. I wasn't really tired. My head was full of thoughts going over and over in my head. I had a speech at a grand opening the next week. A new museum. And it wasn't my mom but me who was supposed to give the speech. Thanks mom.

Jan-Olaf had brought me the cards with the speech on them a few days ago. I thought I should tell Simon about it soon. He was always good at making me feel less nervous when I was nervous about something. Or when I knew he was just there.

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