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Wille pov:

I have never been so happy to see Simon again as I was at that moment. We were on vacation and my mother insisted on taking me to Germany for business. Don't get me wrong, it was wonderful there. But without Simon something was missing. So I let myself be driven from the airport directly to Simon. And now I was standing in front of Simon's door. I knocked and Linda opened.

"Wilhelm!" she said excitedly and pulled me directly into a hug. "I hadn't seen you at all. How was Germany?" she asked, taking my coat from me, even though I protested. "It was beautiful, only I missed you and Simon a bit. We have to go there together sometime," I said. "Simon is asleep right now but he's in his room. Would you like something to drink?" she asked and I nodded. "A glass of water please." Linda handed me a glass of water and after thanking her I went into Simon's room.

There he layed. From the looks of it, he had fallen asleep while looking at photos. I squatted down in front of him and carefully stroked a curl out of his face, then took his cell phone to close it, but I saw that the pictures he had looked at were of the two of us. All saved in a folder called: "my prince<3". I didn't like to go to Simon's phome without his permission but I was too curious. The first picture was a mirror picture of us. I was standing behind Simon, my arms around his waist and my head on his head.

"I could use you as an armrest. Did I ever tell you that you are really small and cute?" I said while pulling him even closer to me. "Several times." replied Simon who had just taken a picture of us. We were both wearing our school uniforms. It was the first day of the second year. Simon came by before church because we hadn't seen each other in three days. "But you are small in a sweet way." I defended myself. "Will, you can't get out of it," Simon said laughing. I laughed along. Simon's laugh was just too infectious.

I liked the memory. It was simple, but one of my favorite ones, to be honest. And I meant it. I liked that he was smaller than me. So I could feel like a protective Coccon around Simon whenever he needed it. I scrolled further. There were a few pictures of us in front of a mirror or when we were lying in bed together. Pictures that we had taken in class. One photo particularly caught my eye. It was a picture where Simon and I were laying in my room at Hillerska. I could read on my face what happend before.

It was morning and we had math. I could tell by Simon's face how little he wanted to be here, and when he looked up at me, I nodded in agreement. Seconds felt like minutes, and minutes felt like hours. Simon was about to fall asleep, and I couldn't even blame him, because I was just as tired. So I had an idea. I got a piece of paper out of my folder so Englund couldn't see or hear anything when I talked to Simon. I wrote on the piece of paper and gave it to Simon, who was immediately wide awake again.

Your writing looks more motivated than you and me....

Shall we make a run for it? If we sneak out now and come back in a credible fifteen minutes (without making up another excuse) we can be back here before class ends.
And how are you going to do that?

Trust me. Follow me in five minutes.

Simon looked confused but also exited. I took my cell phone out of my pocket and put it in such a way that Englund couldn't see it and wrote to Henry, knowing that he was on his cell phone anyway.

Call me , please.
Just do it please :P

He called me. I raised my hand hoping that everything would work. "Magister Englund?" I asked. "Yes, Crown Prince"
"I need to take this call urgently." Englund swallowed it and let me out. In the five minutes I waited for Simon, I checked that no one was around and wrote to Henry:

Always happy to help:)

Shortly after, Simon also came out of the classroom. "So, what do we want to do?" he asked with innocent puppy eyes. "I'd be for this." I said, closing the gap between us and kissing him. "Does that sound like a plan?" I asked into the kiss and Simon responded by practically jumping on me. "Boys' restroom?" he asked "Boys' restroom." I said, putting him down and following Simon who pulled me towards the restroom.

No one was in the boys' restroom. Better that way. There was a bit of open space behind the last toilet and that's where we stood now. "So?" asked Simon. I didn't answer. I closed the gap between us again and kissed him. "Hey." he said giggling. "Hey," I said, returning the kiss. The sweetness gradually became sharpness and sharpness became desire.

"I think we need to get back to math. Unfortunately." said Simon. "Go ahead and tell Englund that my phone call went longer than expected. Because you saw me outside the room. Can you take my things then? I'll wait for you in our room." I blurted out. "Everything good, Wille?" asked Simon, a bit concerned. "More than fine don't worry only I can't walk around like this." And pointed down. Simon started to laugh. "That's not funny," I said laughing along with him. "Of course I'll take your stuff." said Simme, kissing me again. "You're not making it any better right now." I spat out and Simon walked out of the bathroom laughing. Five minutes after that I walked towards my room with the hope no one would see me. Awkward situation.

Looking back at it then I just laughed. We were so stupid. I looked up at Simon, who was still sleeping like a rock. So I kept scrolling. I connected so many memories with these pictures and I didn't even know it. Another picture jumped into my eye. A picture that I probably associated with the most. A picture of me and Simon at the lake. The lake had somehow always been our spot. Be it the first time we went for a walk or the times after. It was a place where we could just be ourselves.

"First time walking here without your bodyguards following us around like dogs," Simon said laughing as the sun fell through the trees onto his face. "Enjoy it," I said, taking his hand again. "How do you always have such warm hands? Tell me your secret," Simon said playfully. "Never. Otherwise you'll have no reason to hold my hand anymore." I said in the same playful tone. "I always hold your hand. Whether it's cold or warm, it doesn't matter." he said and squeezed my hand a little.

It was still very early, around 7am. We had the day off so Simon decided to pick me up. Before we took the bus back to Bjärstad, we went for another walk. And that at the lake as usual.

"Do you remember the first time we stood here? The water was cold that day. I didn't ask you and I don't know if you remember, but shouldn't you have been completely finished? I mean you were drinking and obviously high the night before." Simon said curiously. I didn't have to think long about what he meant. "I had a headache that came straight from hell. But you made it bearable. And showed me even more that I like you." I said while blushing because I understood how strange that sounded. "It sounded weird, sorry."
"Don't. It's not weird. It's cute." said Simon and I grinned.

As I saw the last pics I had the best idea. I send the pictures all to myself (my name in Simons phone was: Princ Wille. Sounded not like you would save your boyfriend as a contact, but it was cute) and saved them in a new ordner called: „my treasure".

-Time skip to Simons birthday-

I have never been so sure about a gift as I was about this one.
I had ordered a blank photo book and had the pictures printed out I sent to myself days before. Then I spent a whole afternoon sorting them, gluing them in, writing something under each picture and playing the memory back before my eyes. What I noticed on them was that I was really smiling on these pictures. You could google me and you could tell which ones I was really smiling at, and you could count that on one hand.

Now I sat in Simon's room and watched as he unpacked his gift. When he held the book in his hand he looked a bit lost. "Open it," I said, and so he did. When he opened the first page, his eyes started to shine. And briefly filled with tears, too. "Wille..." he said in a tearful voice. "Thank you." he said, closing the book and falling around my neck. "Again and again." I said and hugged him as tight as I could.

I send you a virtual hug. No matter if you feel sad or good. Everybody needs a hug <3

Even if my heart stopps beating you're the only thing I need, with me - The neigbourhood

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