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(A/N cr and thx to @19b0423 for the idea)

After their first kiss:

Simon pov:

The sounds I was supposed to hear from above were no longer present. The air I was supposed to breathe, I could no longer breathe. I only realized what had just happened when I looked Wilhelm in the face again. And holy fuck:

I just kissed the Prince of Sweden, Wilhelm. Something about it sounded wrong. A lot of it sounded wrong. He's a prince. I'm just a choir boy who changed schools to protect his big sister.
Wilhelm moved a little to the side. I continued to just stand there until he leaned back against the wall and said, "Sit down." And I did.

"So you're..." he began. "Gay? Yup." I said, "And you?" I simply asked because I felt the urge. But when I saw his confusion on his face, I regretted it.
"I don't know by god what's going on right now. I've wanted this ever since I saw you in church, but I've never had this before. This feeling." a short silence fell, "Why am I telling you this anyway?" he asked, continuing to look out the window into nothing.

"Maybe because you just kissed me," I suggested and Wilhelm laughed briefly.
"Wilhelm," I began but he interrupted me, "Wille, please. I like Wille more." he said, blushing slightly. "Wille," I tried again, "It's okay if you don't know what or who you are. I know a thing or two about it. Literally," I said.

"What do you mean?" asked Wilhelm, finally looking at me. Moonlight fell through the window on his brown eyes and they seemed almost green. Strange.
"Well, you'd find out sooner or later anyway," I said, "I'm trans. Female to male. Although I've never been female. Obviously."

I always felt a little uncomfortable coming out. Even though I stood by who I was and no one could stop me, it was always a little hard for me. It was the hardest to come out to my mother. She meant so much to me that I was simply afraid of what she would say. If she would accept me.

"Oh." said Wille, looking confused for a moment before smiling. "I don't know much about that subject, I must admit. Haven't looked into it that much." he muttered and I chuckled briefly.

"That's okay. If you want, I'll explain something about it." I offered and Wille nodded mutely.
I told him almost everything. From therapy to my surgeries when I was thirteen.
"... And because of those very surgeries, my mother still has hospital bills. The hospital said it would be okay if she took longer to pay because she still had two children sitting at home that she had to feed," I finished my talk.

Wilhelm took my hand and stroked it lightly with his thumb. He was the first person I had told in years. I remembered as if it were yesterday when I was eleven and asked my mother for a talk.

She looked very worried but followed me into the kitchen. My father left us a few months before. But you could still find cigerette butts in the most inconspicuous places.
"Mom, I need to talk to you about something important." and although I was only eleven, I sounded quite grown up. "What's the matter, honey? You're worrying me." she said, taking my hand across the table.

"I'm not a girl." I said, and it took everything in me to say it out loud. It took everything not to cry instantly. At first she looked at me confused.
Then she stood up and walked around the table. She knelt down in front of me and took me in her arms. "Oh, baby. Thank you for trusting me with this."
When she had broken away from the embrace again, she took my face in her hand. "Can I ask you things about this?"
I nodded slowly and sat down on the floor with her.

"How long have you been feeling this?" was the first question she asked, now holding my hands.
"For a long time, mama. For a long time."
"And why are you telling me now?"
"Because I just felt like now was the right time," I said quietly.
"And what should I call you? Certainly not by your current name."
"You're my mom. You get to name me. I'm sure you had a boy's name in mind before I was born," I said scared she'd say no but she considered.
"Simon. I would have called you Simon." Mom said and smiled.

"Simon it is." I said and smiled. The name felt right. Like I'd actually had it all along. As if it had just been waiting to be pronounced.

I told Wille and he looked at me intently and listened. "Was it hard to come out?" he asked after I finished.
"It was. But it's always hard, I guess." Wille had the facial expression that said: I know exactly what you mean.

We just sat there for a while. From the distance you could still hear the screams of the movie and each time I flinched a little and squeezed Wille's hand lightly which was still holding mine. He smiled at me and I knew he didn't care who I was.
Or what I was.
He wanted the person I am. And in his eyes you could read that he would fight to get it and keep it, and I liked that thought.

Half a year later:

"Simon?" asked Wille, looking at me, his arms wrapped around my waist.
"Yes?" - "How did you tell your father?" I could tell he was nervous to ask, knowing exactly what my relationship with my father was like, but also that he had had this question in his head for a long time.

I moved closer to Wille until my back touched his stomach and I held his hands in front of me. His stomache was cold and yet warm again.

"That I am a boy, I'd never really told him. The hospital needed both parents' signatures for the surgerys and so he found out. But it's not like he ever visited me in the hospital anyway." I told him, noticing how Wille pulled me closer to him.

It was like a protective shell that could protect me from everything. And at the moment it was what it did. "And that you are gay?" asked Wille, "You don't have to answer if..." I squeezed his hand to show him it was okay.

"The last time I was with Sara he started talking about women and what it would be like when I had a girlfriend one day. When I told him that I was into men, he just said: "Or so". I think he was and is just too high to check it. Although: He was sober enough to check that I was with you. So he could call." I said.

Wilhelm became a coat that fit me like a glove while I was talking. He touched me everywhere and I realized that it was my back that was cold and not his stomache. Because now I was warm and happier then ever.

(This OS will not effect the following ones or the ones before! I'ts just for this one<3)

I've been watching you all night, over on the dance floor, moving how I like - Omar Rudberg

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