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"Well, good luck and safe travels. Still not a hugger. Got it." I looked to Enid and gave her a nod, she ran off and I said, "parking lot, after the fireworks, we're being watched so we'll split up and meet." She nodded and I turned only for her to grab my hand and walk with me to a stand with darts, right where principal Whims sat eating a burger as she stared at us. Wednesday and I turned picking up darts, while I looked at mine, twisting it in my hand she threw hers and began to pop balloons, "jeez, you get any better at this, you'll be taking home a whole pack." Looking to my side I see Xavier, "pandas don't travel in packs. They prefer solitude."

"All right. Subtle hint taken." He stood between us looking directly at her, "you should know I'm waiting for someone." I threw the dart, popping a balloon, in turn signaling Xavier to turn around and look at me, "oh yeah, who's the lucky guy... or girl?" He looked at me and I turned to look up at him, "what does it matter to you?" He ignored her, smiling down at me. I had to tilt my head up to see his face in full, "hello..." Suddenly another voice interrupted when my mouth started a small upturn, immediately I frowned "didn't mean to interrupt." Xavier's face morphed into annoyance as he turned around, "you're not."

He stood for a second and as I turned around and walked away I looked back to my sister, catching her eyes, "I'll be finding food." Xavier spoke up after watching me, "I'll help you," he began to follow, "not everything here is edible." I kept on walking through the grass as he joined my side, "what are you in the mood for?" I furrowed my brows, "I will admit, my knowledge of cuisine is mostly what you would assume potions looked like if it was the middle age." He furrowed his brows and chuckled at me, "okay, well I don't know who's been cooking your food but-" I interrupted him while stopping and looking at him, "Grandmother Addams," He paused walking in front of me so we would stand face to face, "your grandma? How about I dunno," he turned side to side looking around, "burgers and fries, ice cream, chili cheese fries, hot dogs?" Blinking, I contemplated each option he pointed out, his hand pointing towards each different stand with colorful signs of cartoon styled food above them, "what is the concept of chili cheese fries?" He smiled laughing, "I'll show you."

"Are they not just fries with toppings?" He grabbed onto me, arm over my shoulder and began to walk, only to take his arm off and scratch his nape with the same hand out of embarrassment, "they are," I nodded along, admittedly curious even going as far as for another question, "are these fries the same then, potatoes?" He chuckles, "so you have had french fries," I gave him a hum, "of course, there one of my favorite, along with eggplant," he seemed confused peering down at me from the side as we walked past screaming children, the food vendors stretching into a smaller circle in front of us, picnic tables at the center. He pointed with his hand and we turned towards a specific one, "I thought you said it was like medieval food," we stopped at the vendor and the man looked at us completely bored, "two chili cheese fries please."

I pulled money from my pocket only to see his hand reached out beside mine when I went to hand the money over, "I got it," I furrowed my brows and reluctantly pulled my hand away confused, "don't worry about it, you can pay next time, maybe coffee or something." My brows stayed furrowed as my mind focused on 'next time', putting the money away I nodded still a bit frozen. Waiting for a second while watching the vendor hand over the food, one basket at a time, I asked him a question, "I mean no offense... but are you not human?" He looked down at me handing over the basket, "I am, well sort of, I'm psychic." I frowned, "then why do you eat fries?" He seemed extremely confused as I picked one up from the basket after taking it, pausing. I looked at the fry with a raised brow, "these are hot..."

"Yeah, why wouldn't they be? They were just cooked." He chuckled watching me as we stepped away from the vendor, "I'm admittedly confused," looking up at him I asked in complete seriousness, "does everyone normally eat poisonous foods?"

"Potatoes aren't poisonous," My brows furrowed again, "yes they are, Eggplant and potatoes are nightshades, so are tomatoes," I popped the fry in my mouth as he looked at me, sort of frozen, "what... I'm sorry, hold on a minute, you eat them because they're poisonous?" I nodded curtly, "how are you still alive?" I realized what was happening after a moment, "I'm, not human, I can eat almost anything poisonous, although I guess once cooked these become edible to humans..."

"So what are you then? Vampire?" I laughed smiling, "something much more dangerous I'm afraid, but my amulet keeps me from doing anything," reaching up I flipped the medallion in my fingers, "I-" The fireworks popped off and my head shot up, before I looked towards the parking lot, "everything okay?" I looked back at him and nodded as he smiled in return, pointing at the food in my hands, "good, so how do you like the fries, fried?" Humming, I furrowed my brows, before trying another, "they're not as bad as I thought they'd be," he smiled, "so you like them?" I nodded, "yes, I do... although I don't see why you would pay for mine as well as your own," his smile was quite nice as he spoke, "I wanted to pay, and like I said," he looked away for a moment, somewhere behind me before looking into my eyes, "you can grab the check next time."

"You want to do this again, with me?" He looked almost like he was shy about it, "yeah, I mean only if you want too obviously," thinking about it I wondered with my head tilted to the side, "I wouldn't say i'm opposed to the thought..." He broke out in a large happy smile and nodded to himself, in turn I smiled softly at him before looking away and taking another fry between my fingertips, eating it.

The fireworks came to a slow stop soon enough and by the time they had ended we were not only facing the parking lot we were walking through it to the outer field. After peering and listening, waiting for my sister to appear I realized she was gone, leaving me by myself with Xavier Thorpe. "I'm gonna guess you don't really like fairs like this but there's a hill this way, you can see all the fair lights kind of mold together." Humming to myself I spoke up, "that sounds nicer than listening to the screaming of children as they fight each other over teddies."

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