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Would have posted a few days ago but I decided to feel sick apparently and then last night I reorganized the pantry before I tore up my floors to fix an issue that I can't even begin to describe, so I'm posting today instead early in the morning at 2 a.m. Enjoy...


My skin bristled at the attention of Davina's eyes, truly an awful feeling; being watched with curiosity. Sighing, I stood as the class was dismissed, grabbing my bag in the process, "hey, you okay?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

"Cause you look like someone ate your cat," my brows furrowed at Davina's words, "nonsense, I don't own a cat..."

"It's a metaphor, what happened? Was it because of last night? Kent told me about your birthday," swallowing the excess saliva in my mouth as the thought of food drifted from my thoughts, I replied to her words, following behind her to leave the classroom, "I don't care much for my birthday if I'm being honest with you."

"So if it's not your birthday making you upset, was it Xavier?" I frowned as soon as her words registered in my mind, "Kent also told me about the kiss..."

I had to stop walking at the confession, "I mean he seemed upset when he told me and now you seem upset so I just wanted to-" she stopped in front of me when she glanced back to see me un-moving, "-make sure... Shit I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything."

"It's fine, I suppose, I should have taken Enid telling others into account since she was watching us," I sighed as Davinas brows knitted together, "he didn't mention she was there..."

"As well as my sister, it's fine however. Don't worry, it's nothing of importance, although I'm afraid I should have also taken my sister and Xavier's relationship into account," she was thoroughly confused now as we stood in the deserted corridor, "their relationship?"

"From what Bianca has told me, I gather he fancies her quite a bit. It makes sense I suppose, although it is my fault for not pushing him away when he kissed me. Even though my sister and her attention is mostly centered towards the Galpin boy..." I paid no mind to the way I sounded to myself, choosing to ignore the little puddle of jealousy around my sister and her love triangle, no true idea if I was jealous of her or Xavier.

She watched my upper lip curl in disgust at the way I mentioned the sheriff's son, but also stood there just slowly soaking all the information up, "wait so, Xavier kissed you first? But you're not like dating," I frowned again, "he did indeed but no, there is no courting on my part or his."

Her eyes were halfway squinted as she nodded, "okay, so there's nothing going on? Besides that one little kiss?"

"No," the frown felt like it would become permanent at this point, "in fact he only seemed to be angry afterwards so, no there is nothing. Does this satisfy your questions?"

"Yep," I nodded as she smiled, "I mean I'm sorry that happened, that really sucks," I continued to frown as I replied, "it is fine... Do you need to leave? You look quite anxious..." She popped up from her nervousness and replied quickly with a nod and a shrug, "yeah, I just remembered I have to go find my brother, I'll see you later okay?"

My eyes followed her as her eagerness made her feet take off into a sprint, "I suppose you will..." Unable to hear my words, she didn't make any acknowledgements as I proceeded forward, prepared for a long walk into town or back to my room.

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