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Kent seemed every bit of nervous as he 'checked me out' his eyes couldn't help themselves as they drifted down my form once I turned to fully face the siblings, "hi, first off, cute dress, second," Davina pulled her phone out as she backed up, suddenly snapping a picture of us even though we were a fair distance apart and he was 'admiring' the view as much as he could.

"Kent!" I blinked back my shock at the bark from the siren girl, it was strong enough to pull his eyes eyes away from me and to turn them to her, "scooch," Her hand motioned for us to get closer and I could only oblige, not truly understanding why she was taking pictures as well, "I'll send these to Enid," I blanched and suddenly as I opened my mouth she was running off to meet her girlfriend at the decorated archway and walk inside, "sorry about her," I looked back up at him, "You look really nice, red huh?" I swallowed, suddenly feeling nervous as I gave him a nod, "thank you...I was told it would match the blue tones and Enid's pink. Although I think they were lying, it's far darker than what was recommended. But I'm also not a fan of the bright red that was chosen either."

"It's nice I swear, I really like it... So uh, do you still wanna go in together? I just mean if you don't we don't have to go-" I stopped him as my brows knitted together, for someone usually so confident he was very self conscious whenever he spoke to me, i'm genuinely curious as to why... "Is there something wrong with going in together?" He froze, stammering up as his cheeks reddened with blood flow, "no, I didn't mean it like that, it's just, I'm just really nervous right now..." His chuckle hadn't fazed me, and it seemed he wasn't lying as he softened his words at the end, "I see, well, I have no intention of going inside without you, so..." He was awkward in his, well everything but it was sort of cute, like a baby piranha who'd been orphaned, only needing blood thirsty guidance and love to grow and become confident at ripping prey apart. Or maybe that's a wrong analogy for the siren, especially one that was quite regretful after a vicious attack and usually as confident as a shark in dolphin free waters.

I decided then that I liked this siren, even as he awkwardly held out his arm with a large smile, urging me to connect to his side. I slinked my arm up under his to grasp his bicep after a moment and then our descent into the forbidden ice locker commenced and I couldn't help but make a soft sigh. His eyes shot down to my face, his own scrunching with curiosity as my hand latched onto him, no slack in my grip. He hadn't expected me to sink so far into his side, flush with his body but he welcomed it nonetheless as I shied from the bright fairy lights that hung in the thin fabrics above and around us.

Stepping through the tunnel had unfortunately brought us straight to our Principal and Miss Thornehill, "oh wow, Morella you look gorgeous! So gorgeous! Welcome to this year's Rave'N!" My simple nod didn't faze the enthusiastic teacher; she only smiled brighter as my attention turned to the taller woman, "Miss Adda- Feathertail," she stopped herself, correcting her word as I noticed the stares of our peers accompanies with their whispers, "I'm still an Addams Principal Weems if you looked at my records I have two last names and I'd prefer it if you kept to one." She nodded, an eye lid twitching just the slightest as she countered me, "that can be arranged, now I expect you to be on your best behavior tonight..." Her voice was stern as she smiled down at me, Kent only mildly lost in the woman's words as I replied with pure intentions, "my best is what you would consider my worst," her eyes narrowed and the message was clear, "oh and due to a last minute suggestion there is also hot chocolate tonight," my eyes almost lit up quite literally at the word 'hot' as Miss Thornehill took over, "ahh yes, it's actually from this cute little boutique in Jericho, you know I had never actually been inside-" My hand had slid from Kent's bicep to his hand unconsciously, a sudden chill overtaking my being, craving the heat as my mind tortured me with the smell of roasted sugar.

Kent began to stutter as I moved to the side suddenly, Miss Thornehill's words and attention turning towards the principal who watched with keen eyes as Kent blindly accepted his fate and walked with me to the tables of drinks, his hand still cold but grasping back at mine. "Thirsty?" I gave a hum in question, not paying complete attention as my excitement bubbled up, causing me to just speak my mind as we slowly made it across the room side by side, "i'm cold..."

As soon as my words left my mouth we stopped in front of the hot chocolate station and his hand pulled from mine, "sorry, I know I'm-" I blinked, breaking from my stupor, his hand retreating had made me pause for some reason, but before he could finish his words I whirled facing him. His words stopped in an instant as I looked up at him, I felt like a kicked raccoon with wide eyes as my hands clasped together, unsure of what to do with his reaction to me taking his hand, something snapping inside of me at the feeling of rejection.

"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have grabbed you without asking," being around Enid so much made my mind dislodge my social knowledge, she was a very handsy roomate, I would have to work on that. "What?" I cast my eyes down to his blue vest, the upsetting emotion that regret was bringing me made me want to crawl from my skin and back into that lake, something I had never really felt before when around others or even by myself, "Morella," his chuckle had forced me to look back up at his eyes as his hands shoved into his pants pockets, "you can hold my hand whenever, I just don't want you to get cold because of me you know, siren blood and all that. I know how easy it is to make someone feel a little chilly," weirdly enough his confidence was back now that mine was withered down to a stump, and suddenly this whole moment felt like a scene from one of Enid's fantasies, if it was raining over us I would dare say she would consider this a 'romantic' outcome, one of the preferred options.

"I'm always cold, your body temperature doesn't deter me in the slightest..." I didn't mean to speak as softly as I did but it happened and he smiled at me before turning and using the hot chocolate machine. My eyes watched every moment, I even made a mental check to have my father get me a machine like this if it worked well enough...

"Here," I swallowed, taking the cup from his hand cautiously, "I can make you some more if you're still cold afterwards," I paused in a kind of awe as he turned to grab a smoking drink in a martini glass, "you don't want any?" He shook his head with a smile, "not right now, do you wanna dance?" I frowned, "but there's no music," he frowned in turn, looking at me playfully before laughing, "this is music, just not stuff you're used to...come on I see Davina and Clarrisa already started without us."

He turned and moved to walk off and I swallowed feeling an urge to grab onto him in some way, "are you coming or not?" He looked playful when he glanced back at me and all I could do was move towards him, floating by other students as we crossed the room to meet Davina's side, even passing by a watchful table on the way.

I watched her 'dance' and questioned Kent at the idea and the sound of the 'music' playing, "is this why they call it the Rave'N? Enid told me most raves had bright lights and glow sticks," Davina had definitely heard me, she even laughed as her girlfriend cooed at me, "she's so adorable, can we keep her? Like a miniature spider," I had to admit that not only were spiders quite small to begin with, but a group of sirens was the least expected group to occupy my time but alas here we were and I was finding it dreadfully pleasant... "Up to her, she's immune," she continued to bounce around happily as they both paused looking between us and as my belief had it the questions had ensued.

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