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"Morella!?" My head turned just to the side as I kept on, showing I was listening but not willing to sit and speak, "wait up," I sighed slowing my stride as he jogged up to my side, "did you need something Thorpe?"

"Yeah actually I do... Is that why you've been avoiding me, because we missed your birthday?" I frowned, my brows knitting together as he looked down at me, "my birthday is of no importance, it wouldn't be the reason even if I was upset about it, which I'm not."

"Then why?" Stopping I swallowed, my nerves beginning to fight inside me causing my body to tense again, "I figured you were angry with me, I was giving you space, that's all." I started walking at a calmer, slowed speed, leaving him frozen, "why would I be mad at you?"

I didn't say anything, his feet following after me once again, "would you stop and just talk to me!"

My eyes widened and my body jerked into a frozen state as my wrist was grabbed with force, snapping me back to look at his chest, "why were you, why are you avoiding me?"

I didn't want to admit to what I had read, I didn't want to hurt anyone and I certainly wasn't sure how well I could control my anger after the comment he made over that weekend when my parents had visited, that specific conversation and the way he said he was my friend has been irking my entire being for some reason, "did I do something? Did Wednesday say something?"

"My sister and I are not exactly on good terms, so no. As I said, I merely assumed you were upset with me in some fashion... I'm sorry if I offended you in some way, I did not intend to do so," his scoff had my eyes flickering up to look at his expression, "it didn't offend me if anything it pisses me off that you think I don't know you're lying to me."

"You're avoiding everyone lately, not just me, so why?"

"Did Weems say something?" I swallowed, unsure of what to do, having never been cornered like this before I was left grasping at straws, "enough."

"No not enough," he jerked my wrist in his movements and my brows notched together, creasing my t zone, "drop it Xavier, it's safer this way."

"When did you ever care about safety? I don't remember you ever making a move in self preservation! You can't just decide to show up and then fall off the radar whenever you feel like it, that's not how friendship works!" His grip on my wrist was almost unbearably tight, not painful but just tight, so tight that it was all I could think of after the last few words left his mouth.

Apparently he had been repeating my name but my gaze dropped and it felt as if I was sucked into my soul, the deepness seemingly never ending, only my being in the dark abyss. My hands falling to my side as Xavier let go in worry, calling my name again before grasping my face with his hands and tilting my head up to his.

I didn't register a thing and then suddenly I wasn't in darkness anymore and my face was warm, blinking back the blurriness I somehow still couldn't register my surroundings properly, only the hands on my skin.

In a rush I had him pressed up against a tree, teeth bared as my view of him stayed blurred until it no longer was and the haze behind my eyes disappeared leaving me standing, frozen with wide doe-ish eyes. The boy before me was in shock with a hand on my shoulder and one on my wrist as I held him by his throat.

If I was a wolf I would have had my ears laid back and a whimper in my throat, but I wasn't.

And my claws were much sharper...

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