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"I can't believe she did that, do you really think he did it?" I frowned, my answer was always clear just as it was before, even as the hours passed and we were left in the dark of the night. "I think she framed him if anything, or someone who knew of her hatred brewing framed him. Like Tyler..."

"Wait hold up! You think it's Tyler?" I gave a simple nod as she quieted down, "a hyde won't kill its own master, she should have read the entire diary instead of just skimming through it like a child, besides, Xavier's gifts are mind related and neither of his parents were hydes. It's not him, the DNA evidence would prove it as well but Tyler's father is the sheriff, therefore he'd do anything to make sure his son was safe..."

"How can you be so sure it's Tyler? He's human, complete human." I looked over at her, catching her eyes, "no, his mother is hyde..." Enid paled, "what?"

"My mother knew of her back in her stay here, I questioned her intensely and she complied of course," I sighed, crossing my leg over the other, "Tyler's mother was an aggressive hyde, the same hyde my birth father fought over my birth mother... A romantic display I'm sure."

"I, I don't..." She was absolutely dumbfounded, "does Wednesday know?" I raised a single brow, "of course not, she's a dimwit," Enid fell back against my pillows, gasping suddenly and sitting up straight once more, "if it's really him and she doesn't know then we have to stop her, she's going to see him tonight."

"No. You and I will sit and wait as it is not our place to teach her of her mistakes Enid, besides, she'd never believe us." She slumped, grabbing one of her plushies that she'd brought over and clutched it to her chest, "I hate that you're if it's him, then who's controlling him?"

"I guess we'll find out soon enough..."

"Are you sure we shouldn't tell Wednesday?" I sighed, turning my head to the side to passively gaze at her for a moment, "now that she's at ease thinking she's put the hyde away, even though she hasn't, she'll be able to see more accurate visions. If they touch, it'll be set in stone and she'll take her own precautions. If she wishes to do it all on her own then so be it."

"But what if it gets bad, like really bad?" I turned back to my book, letting it close with a smack in aggravation, "you should sleep Enid, no more carbonated drinks before lights out..."

"Morella, I'm serious, if we don't tell her and she does whatever it is she plans...and it backfires, what will happen?" I stand, moving towards her to grab her plushie and drape the rainbow faux fur over her, "it will be fine Enid, now sleep."

"Morella..." She peers up into my eyes and I stand tall, handing the plushie back, "I'll handle it as usual when the time comes." It wasn't useless words, it was a promise and she could tell as she relaxed.

Turning away I flipped the switch on the lamp as she spoke once more, "I'm not a kid, I'm a teenager like you. I'll protect you, Morella..."

Her eyes glowed in the dark before she shut them in exhaustion, "you won't have to Enid. Now sleep, before I burn your plushies..."

This moment would mark the gorgons stash of greens as the next pyre. I'd be delighted, watching in morbid glee as I force him to watch his marijuana burn into nothing but ash, the profound creation no longer allowed near Enid with this as her reaction to the drug, the paranoia being an upsetting reaction I wished to never see on her again.

"Hey, so do you think Enid Petropolus sounds good? Or Ajax Sinclair?" I freeze in absolute horror, a gag surprising me, my throat closing at the provoked action, "I forbid it, they each sound horrible..."

She stayed quiet and I could feel her eyes boring into the back of my skull as my lip curled, "Morella......." The way she dragged out my name almost in a teasing manner had me huffing, looking to the side as my lip stayed curled up in distaste, "you'd sound horrendous with his name... He'll take yours instead. Although he doesn't deserve it..."

"Okay... Hey Morella?" I heaved a sigh, waiting as I sat back down, "yes Enid?"

"Do you like me?" Blinking languidly, I reply in earnest with an honest answer, "yes Enid," the rustles of the pillow tells me she'd begun nodding in acceptance before she questions me again, "do you like Kent? Like, like-like him?" Swallowing, I contemplated it, flushing at the thought of him before it withered, "yes Enid, I do..."

"What about Xavier? I mean since you think he was under a spell today, and you don't hate him, do you like-like him?" Freezing, I completely stop moving and breathing, for some reason the question being brought up never truly crossed my mind, but even so I didn't answer as her breathing evened out behind me.

The tapping of glass caught my attention and I turned back expecting Enid to be playing around again, to my surprise however, it was Kent, "hey..." I nodded in acknowledgement as he moved inside, closing the window and looking at Enid in question, "it's...been a long day..."

"I know the feeling..." I would be lying if I said his words didn't leave me curious as to if anything else happened but I refrained from any questions, not sure I wanted to know either way, especially since it felt too important for my riddled mind to deal with at the moment, "i'm sorry about earlier, before with Xavier, before he got arrested I mean. When I saw him push you back like that I just lost it."

"I'm not upset with you Kent..." He swallows, nodding. I was only being honest, in fact, one could say I was intrigued by the rage and how the yellow mixed in with his silver eyes. What possessed him at the time was clearly the possessiveness he'd been exhibiting lately, "is your lip okay?" he gestured to his own, thumbing his lip as he looked down at mine, "it's fine now, nothing left to worry over."

"Forgive me if I upset you with the situation, I had no intent in doing so," his face turned sour, brows cinching and his mouth pulling into a frown of confusion, his expression filled with disbelief. "Why would I forgive you?"

My jaw wired itself shut, my teeth cementing to each other as my jaw tightened and I swallowed, becoming flustered with sadness. He dropped down before me, realizing his mistake for wording his question in the way he did, "I mean, why do I need to forgive you for something you didn't do? It was out of your control..."

"I saw what he did, I can't blame you for what happened. I mean it looked like you went into shock before I pulled him off." He swallowed, licking his lips, "maybe I was out of line for doing that, the way I did. I know we're not officially dating, and that we're just getting to know each other and hanging out right now, and kissing, a lot, but I, I couldn't help myself..."

My eyes met his as he ranted, I hadn't expected this many words or even this outcome, Enid's assurance after what I told her didn't avert my thoughts either. I truly thought he was upset with me, especially with how Ajax looked back at me before they left me there.

"I mean, I want to be with you...but I know all of this is new to you and I don't wanna keep you locked together with me until you're like one hundred percent aware of it all. It's just that sirens are really territorial and I don't really think that it'd be the best choice until you're ready for a relationship because right now, I don't want to share you with anyone... And if we started dating, I wouldn't be able to share at all."

My eyes burned at his words, glowing and shining in the reflection of his eyes, I couldn't speak but I was entranced. It felt good, impossibly so, to know someone felt just as possessive and jealous about me as I could about them, as I do.

"I don't blame you for what happened, it's not your fault..."

He stood, wiping his face with his palm before he walked away as if he didn't know what else to say, moving away from my chair, more interested in the dimly lit rooms surroundings than me sitting or Enid curled up into my bed, "so, uhm..." Looking up at him I patiently waited, watching as he moved towards Enid's side of the room and pausing, grinning before looking back at me with his hands shoved into his pockets.

"Does this mean we can make-up make-out? In her bed this time?"

My eyes widened a notch before they drifted to the sleeping wolf, miraculously in a deep set dream somehow... I truly was contemplating it, interested in the sudden idea, "...yes."

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