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"Morella, I'd like to talk to you about why you feel the need to do what your sister tells you to do," crossing my legs I sighed looking into her eyes, "I think you've gathered misinformation." Her smile unnerved me deeply, I wanted to watch it drop into a face of fear, "oh really, then tell me why did you say it was your fault for the piranha incident in your old school," smiling I watched her facial expression quiver just the slightest as I spoke, "it was my idea, and my piranhas... You should learn now that I always protect my family Dr. Kinbott." She nodded, crossing her legs to match my posture before leaning in towards me a bit, "so you did it to protect your brother?" I nodded, "or do you do it so they don't leave you?"

"Excuse me?" She smiled, "I understand it must be hard for you, Morella but instead of doing things for your adoptive family, maybe you should try doing things for yourself." My eyes narrowed, "what are you getting at Dr. Kinbott?" She just kept smiling at me as she continued, "you don't need to hide your feelings, I understand how hard it's been since your parents passed away, but taking on your adoptive family to replace and cope with your parents death isn't healthy." I was frozen in place as she continued, "I would like for you to exercise some distance from them for some time and maybe spend some time with friends instead. Hopefully during our next session we can determine just why you're coping this way and maybe we can talk about your feelings and open up about your real parents."

Standing up I stood straight in front of her, "did you bother reading my file?" She looked shocked, "not only are you out of line Kinbott but clearly your misinformation is more vast than I thought beforehand." She was completely stunned, "I'm sorry what?" Clarifying the situation I huffed, "before you assume anything, maybe ask me or my parents, even my principal would be able to clear the air about my birth parents, because that's what they are. Birth Parents." I turned on my heel and walked off as she stood up suddenly, "this session is over I'm afraid, I won't have you speak of me as if you actually knew me at all."

Leaving her office I walked downstairs passing Wednesday, "you finished early," I side eyed her as we walked out of the building, "she didn't read my file, it was as clear as the everglades. Boundaries shouldn't be crossed in such a way..." She paused looking at me as we stood on the sidewalk, suddenly Tyler had walked up to us, "guess you decided to stick around Jericho. Wait, you guys see Dr. Kinbott too?" I frowned internally as I sighed externally, "you should know I'm legally required to be here, we both are."

"Uh, me too. Court ordered. Look at us. A couple of teenage tearaways." Tyler chuckled and smiled down at me, "does she usually act like she knows everything?" He chuckled nodding at me, "yeah it's kinda her signature move actually," I sighed and he turned back to Wednesday, scrunching his brows as he spoke to her, "hey, when you ran off last night at the Harvest Festival, I wasn't sure what happened, and then I heard... Kinda crazy." Frowning I looked away, "everyone, including your father, believes I made it all up." He was genuine with his words and it made me curious as I looked up at him, his phone ringing suddenly in the middle of his words to her, "you know, I..." He pulled it out of his pocket and I watched his expression change and a huff of breath leave him, "time to get in touch with my inner rebel."

"You know, for the record, I believe you." He smiled before he said his goodbyes and turned to enter the building, my head followed his movements before I turned back to face the road as not only the door shut with a ring but the school's transport car pulled up in front of us, "this school is more trouble than I thought it'd be," I agreed, nodding, "but you have to admit, what we did, it was worth it..."

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