Part 28

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Fun fact my laptop cursor is a small spider :)

Another Fun fact, season 3 of Outerbanks drops on February 23, and my book for it will be posted the week before :0 ooooo lol i already have an entire season written so we are prepared babes.


"No strenuous activities Miss Feathertail," I nodded and watched as my principal left quietly. I sighed, tired as I opened the door to my room and entered. Wednesday turned, catching sight of me and nodding, rushing to put things in her backpack as I walked over to my chair. "Now that you're better, we can keep on our search," my skin prickled and slight pains shot through my legs as I sat down, upon hearing her words I moved my eyes up to her back as she grabbed her jacket, slipping it on, "the search?" she whipped around and started her way towards the door, "I find myself being released from the infirmary after days of not seeing each other and your first words to me is that we continue to look for that book?"

"Right, how are you, sister?" I sighed, my nerve tightening up with her, "still alive..." She gave a hum as she stood paused and waited, "hmm, yes well that is quite a shame," she took a step and stopped, contemplating her words as I sucked on my teeth, "and not that I want you dead, that is, life is a shame. Now, shall we?" I closed my eyes relaxing for a brief moment before standing back up, pins and needles is quite the right way to describe the feeling in many of my nerves, lighting up my body. "fine, but after this, I aim to rest, no disturbances, not even typing so I hope you've already completed your daily hour..." I turned, striding past her as I licked my dried lips, "I have."

The long corridors after leaving Ophelia hall were dark and twisted as they led outside to the quad, "nothing but this seems to be in our favor as of the moment, you would think with our luck there would be many prancing around and eavesdropping on important matters... or fanging in the cover of night." I didn't reply leaving her to converse alone as we approached my ancestors statue, a grave sense of displeasure etched into his stone face, "I want to do this properly," I frowned at the path of difficulty, not a hard one per say but one that went against my current knowledge none the less, "fine, you'll need a notepad and a pen."

I watched her walk forward, fishing the stuff out and into her hands before climbing the statues stand and peering over the stone book, "it's not a single riddle. Rather, each line is its own separate one."

 "The opposite of moon." Sun. "A world between ours." Nether. "Two months before June." April. "A self-seeding flower." Pansy. "One more than one." Two. "Its leaves weep to the ground." Willow. "It melts in the sun." Ice. "Its beginning and end never found." Circle. "Every rule has one." Exception. "The answer will give a sharp cracking sound." I sighed as she continued to speak and write, right before stepping down to my ground level and moving back to my side, "sister," she looked to me as I looked to her, our hands raising in a most graceful dance before we snapped, twice. A familiar action for our family.

The stone statue moved, pulling back on mechanics unseen by our eyes but still there, hidden from view, "secret societies," I grunted and we stepped forward to enter, the already lit candles a peculiar and unnerving sight, with the amount of cloth on the stairwell walls it was surely a fire hazard to keep such things lit. Descending the stairs took only so little time and then there we stood, at the bottom looking around the room, noting things like the second staircase on the other side of the hidden library leading to somewhere new or known.

She walked to one side and I walked to the other, neither viewing the staircases but different spots, hers of the books and mine of the framed pictures. My eyes cascaded across each one as I took careful steps, none too loud. Only stopping as one in particular pulled me towards it, Cousin Itt sat framed in his long luxurious mane and I smiled, all but weirdly at the painted portrait. I hadn't seen him for months, long before Nevermore and I found myself swallowing the saddened feeling that began to course over my chest, tightening my throat, not even a letter... No doubt he was told I wasn't to receive any as punishment for my piranhas being the attackers. I looked down before meeting his hair once more, now more upset than when I was in the infirmary. I took a deep breath, turning around to meet Wednesday's gaze as a shroud of black consumed my sight, the last thing seen before, a figure dressed in robes and a mask at her side. 

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